Iceman build - Day 35


Here is a short video from day 35 of Rob's Iceman build. It was supposed to be some simple wet sanding. But instead turned out to be a disaster as the angry guitar gods cast their wrath upon me (again) The clear coat began to roll up and take the primer and paint with it, during the wet sanding process. It was almost like the primer let go. So after that, I lost my patients with this project and began to aggressively block sand the front with 80-grit sandpaper.
At this point, I am not sure if I am having problems with my guns, my system as a whole or maybe it's the paint itself. Whatever the problem is, the guitar gods were angered, sending me back to a hell filled with paint fumes ... haha.
Tomorrow I will decide how far backward I will go. Either, take it back to wood and then use a grain filler, then primer, then paint, or just use a primer filler then paint. Either way, this is a huge setback.
Up next ... sanding, painting, or maybe even a fire !!
Stay tuned ... more to come !!
