I have CCSVI and I have MS! PART 1

In the first part of this video, I am letting everyone know that I too have CCSVI!
Just like many other people around the world, I am affected both by Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (or CCSVI).
In the month of July, I did a second ultrasound in the city of Washington DC and I found out that I have reflux in both jugular veins. After meeting with Dr. Lee (a very known vascular surgeon) back in June, I am going to meet a neurologist that is part of a team that is studying CCSVI in DC and he will be the doctor that will allow me to do a venography and the liberation procedure.
I made this video two days ago and EVERYTHING CHANGED ALREADY! (...I thought that my MS was unpredictable!!!!!).
BEFORE I START SAYING ANYTHING ELSE, I wanted to tell you that the doctors at Georgetown ARE AMAZING and they truly want to help us.
I was told that the study that I was hoping to be a part of has been stopped because the neurologists involved should check the outcome on the MS. I was told that their preliminary review will be critical for the further IRB approval to continue to do this study.
At this time, no one knows when (and if) the study will resume.
Please, check the flowers4MS page on facebook for more information.

Пікірлер: 33

  • @danbergamondo
    @danbergamondo14 жыл бұрын

    Research and study really are fundamental... I really, really wish you from the deep of my heart that they will approve further study... and, again, from the deep of my heart, I wish you all the best possible: may all of your health issues be cured as soon as possible... In the meanwhile, I'll pass around this video of yours and I'll check out that page on facebook... Ti faccio i miei migliori auguri, Angela!!! Forza e coraggio!!! Daniele

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa733 жыл бұрын

    It was wonderful to have the birds coming to the window seal attracting birds of all types and colors I loved and will remember missing them like I miss everything of Connecticut and beautiful New England where even simple f leafs turning the place in a magical land in the fall :)

  • @RoelekesPlace
    @RoelekesPlace14 жыл бұрын

    Hello Angela, I came here through the dedication video of Graham for you. I wish you a great trip to Italy, and only what is good! Roeleke

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7313 жыл бұрын

    @BrendaRaven1 Thank you so much! I did have the most wonderful time and I always do when I go back to my homeland! Thanks again and take care, lots of hugs Angela

  • @MSVlogSupport
    @MSVlogSupport14 жыл бұрын

    Hi Angela, Glad to see a new video! I am in agreement with you on the drugs. I hate them and now I am only on the klonopin and baclofen. I would love to be drug free, but do have that little worry in the back of my mind of not being on something. Sorry to hear about the study, I know Albany is starting one. I really hope that you enjoy your time back home, you deserve a break away from all of this. Enjoy your family and friends! Love you ANdrea

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @RoelekesPlace Thank you so much for coming and seeing my video! You are so nice! Graham is a very sweet and kind man and I was so touched by the video that he dedicated to me. Thanks so much for the wishes and for coming to see a part of my MS journey... :) Have a nice day and take good care! Hugs, Angela

  • @nuvolafg
    @nuvolafg14 жыл бұрын

    Ciao Angela..ti auguro..che questa procedura di liberazione...vada a buon fine...ti auguro di riuscire...a stare bene....anche se ti vedo così carica..sembra che non abbia nessun dolore....sei una forza della natura...una meravigliosa perla...che dona tutta se stessa per aiutare gli altri....Meriti tutto il bene del mondo... Ti abbraccio e ti mando ..un grande grazie....ciao bella !!! :)))

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @MSVlogSupport Dear Andrea, thank you so much for the encouraging words and the nice message! I believe that there are a lot of MS patients that are tired of taking so many drugs (my friend in Slovenia is taking 12 pills a day!!) and they see that they don't work because they are still in a lot of pain! Anyway, I believe that everyone is different and they should make their own decisions. If they are helping you, then it's good that you are taking drugs :)

  • @BrendaRaven1
    @BrendaRaven114 жыл бұрын

    I stopped getting eamil notifications of updates, I thought no one was posting anymore! just figured out how to check LOL Have a wonderful holiday Angela!

  • @donotconcede
    @donotconcede14 жыл бұрын

    Drugs are bad! :) You know I feel the same. This is a great video Angela. I just tonight heard about GU. You probably know more than I do. I look forward to talking with you my friend :) PS if we do the irish pub, Mickey should be allowed in their garden area. LOL I dunno if I will bring him, but if I do, don't wear black :)

  • @tazscott14
    @tazscott1414 жыл бұрын

    Dear Angela, I agree, if this thing turns out to not be neurological, why are we taking these drugs. I too hope to finally be tested- hopefully soon. My appointment with a vascular doctor is on the 14th. This summer has been nothing but fights and I am sorry that I have not been on-line much lately. I am glad to see that you are getting along well. Have fun in Italy. More videos of your home country are coming I am sure. Have fun, Bill

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @irishbear76 Oh dear Mark, what you are telling me is wonderful! You are already experiencing improvements! This is great news! I am sure everyone will be waiting to see your new video because we want to see you doing better! Good things are happening to you and we couldn't be happier! Faith is important and hope is fundamental and you have both...but this might not be the placebo effect. This might be a real improvement! :) Good luck, Mark. Enjoy your journey! big hugs Angela

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7313 жыл бұрын

    @BrendaRaven1 Dear Brenda, I have been homesick for the past 7 years and going back to my homeland is fondamental for me and for my journey with this disease. It's not only a vacation for me, it's a "going home" trip and it helps me deal with the challenges that I am faced with and it gives me the opportunity of thanking all the people that are helping Flowers4MS and helping raise funds for thr BNAC center in Buffalo! Maybe, someday, you will get to go to Italy too and I am sure you'll love it

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @ThePennygirl I really hope that you will be helped soon and that you will start feeling better! Thanks for the wishes. I will enjoy myself, I promise! :) Good luck with everything and take good care! Lots of hugs, Angela

  • @irishbear76
    @irishbear7614 жыл бұрын

    It is good to know that you have CCSVI. I hope that you can have your liberation very soon. As for me....since my liberation. I am who I was before MS. I will make a video, but my repeat heel to toe and Rhomberg's test I HAVE NAILED IT FOR TWO DAYS. I am "best case scenario" right now for CCSVI. Of course, my faith is strong in this theory so there is a possiblity of placebo effect on my part :) I just know what venoplasty does for irishbear76's. It has given me back vision and balance.

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @nuvolafg Carissima Gianna questo mese e`stato molto buono per me. Non so mai come mi sentiro`da un momento all'altro e, mentre luglio e`stato difficile perche`facevo troppo e ero molto stressata, il mese di agosto e`andato molto bene e sono molto grata di tutto! Sei dolcissima a scrivermi queste bellissime parole Grazie di cuore! :) Sono tanto contenta che ci siamo incontrate e non vedo l'ora di conoscerti meglio! Stammi bene e ricorda che ti saro`piu`vicina perche`saro`in Italia come te!

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @sandyCanada56 Thank you, Sandy. I am sure I will have a wonderful time back in my homeland! I miss it so very much!!! Take good care and have a great month of September! :) Hugs, Angela

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @tazscott14 Dear Bill, I have been missing you a lot during the past month. I knew that you were busy with many things and I didn't want to disturb you. I am so happy to hear about your appointment on the 14th! Things are moving along for you! About my trip back to my homeland I am sure I will make some videos and I will have a good time. I can't wait to go! Take good care, dear Bill. Soon enough you won't have to fight any more because you will get to reach your goal! lot of hugs Angela

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @MSVlogSupport About being drug free it is a dream of mine but I don't know that it will come true because my MS was quite active before and I don't know what's going to happen when I will stop Tysabri. BUT I think that it's important to be optimistic and to dream that, someday, we will ALL be drug free! About Albany, I am on the list to get the operation and I am waiting for the phone call... I hope your healing journey will start soon. You deserve to get better and to start singing again! :)

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7311 жыл бұрын

    At the moment I am doing a steroid infusion every month and doing rehab to try to improve the damage that was done to me by the PML that almost killed me after I came back from my homeland, also follow the exercise program I was given to at Kennedy Krieger in Baltimore and I am doing eletrical stimulationon tthe areas that were damaged by the PML. It's hard work but I continue to do it, hoping for the best! This year, if God allows me to, I will try to go back to my homeland. Let's see! Angela

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7311 жыл бұрын

    OH, hi, you got me with your words because you are SOO RIGHT, and you found the RIGHT PERSON to say this too:) because I really don't like drug companies at all, I never did and I never will ( and who does???) of course, drug companies not only don't want us to find out that we might have a cardiovascular problem with the MS, but they will never want to cure us because if we are cured and the MS would go away how could the drug companies survive without our money? thanks Angela

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @danbergam Caro Daniele, certo che il tuo inglese e`ottimo! Sei davvero bravo! :) I would like to thank you so much for writing to me this way, for wishing me good things and for caring about what I do on KZread. You are a healthy Italian man and you care about this disease even if you don't have it and you follow my journey...I am so grateful for everything! Sei un ragazzo speciale! Thank you for offering to spread the word about MS. Ti ringrazio tantissimo dal profondo del mio cuore! :)

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @donotconcede Dear Judy, it's very hard for me to take drugs and it will always be so I try to avoid it as much as I can even if this means living with pain sometimes when I can't get to my cranial doctor. I prefer this instead of taking those things! We will talk soon and I can let you know all the latest news on GU. I will remember not to wear black! If Mickey comes, make sure it's not too hot outside for him and for us! :) Thank you for watching and for being my friend, see you soon! :)

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @tazscott14 Have a good nap, Bill! I hope it will help you feel better after the Avonex shot! Take care!

  • @tigerkewly
    @tigerkewly11 жыл бұрын

    Dear Brenda yes you can have the LDN cos that works definitely!!!!!!!

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @CTYankeeMS Dear Mary Anne, I should have known that you live in Connecticut and I assumed that you didn't live too far away from me because of your youtube name :) but I didn't know where you live in this state...and now I know! :) I have been to Cheshire before and it's not too far away from where I live. Take good care and thanks for the wishes! hugs Angela

  • @ThePennygirl
    @ThePennygirl14 жыл бұрын

    In a strange way am happy Tysabri didn't work for me, it only made me sick. I asked the doctor for a referral yesterday for a ( IVR) and they said NO they will only give me more drugs to manage my symptoms MORE DRUGS Anglea have a fantastic trip and most of all enjoy your self. hugs susan

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7314 жыл бұрын

    @ThePennygirl Dear Susan, I felt sorry that Tysabri didn't work for you but then I thought about it and I felt that it was "meant" to be and that this might be a good thing for you You might be able to get the liberation and show the world that it works on a patient that is off drugs! I hope you will find a way to get liberated and that you won't have to take more drugs if you don't want to and don't feel that they are helping you. Check other doctors and see if they will help you!

  • @BrendaRaven1
    @BrendaRaven113 жыл бұрын

    I'm jealous actually, always wanted to go to Italy... take lots of pictures :)

  • @tazscott14
    @tazscott1414 жыл бұрын

    @angelusa73 Dear Angela, Please do not worry about disturbing me. You can contact me at any time. I will write more later but for now I have to nap. It is the day after shot day. Take care, Bill

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7311 жыл бұрын

    At this point I am so ruined by all the drugs that the neurologists have been giving me I have been "poisoned" by all of them and I don't know if taking anything at this point is a good idea for me an no one will prescribe it to me, so I am doing other things, thank you for writing me and take good care please, hugs, Angela

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa7311 жыл бұрын

    as you might know, I am one of the few people that got almost killed by the disgusting aweful POISON ( not just drug- I call it POISON because it caused me to almost die and to live my life hating to be alive because I suffer every day now, so was this a medicine or a way to make mre money for the drug companies? I did everything for nothing! I put crap in my body and it almost killed me and it killed many unfortunate people in the past so I am disgusted by people that have no hearts! Angela