How Vitamin E Can Help Reduce Fatty Liver Disease Symptoms | Dr. Bryan Walsh

Are you a functional medicine practitioner looking to learn more about fatty liver disease?
Join Dr. Bryan Walsh in his Fatty Liver Workshop as he discusses proven supplements and their potential for treating fatty liver disease. Learn how vitamin E may help your patients, as well as other effective solutions.
Watch now for an informative and educational experience from the leading expert in the functional medicine field!
This video is from our Fatty Liver Workshop. Learn the untold story of Fatty Liver Disease and gain clinical insight in this Essential Workshop for Functional and Nutritional Medicine Practitioners. Get the full workshop here:
If you enjoyed this video, check out the free One Day Functional Medicine Course here -
Dr. Walsh has been studying human physiology and nutrition for over 25 years and has been educating others in health for 20 of those years. When he isn’t teaching, he spends his time pouring over the latest research and synthesizing his findings into practical information for clinicians to use in practice. Dr. Walsh is best known for his expertise in biochemistry and human physiology, which allows him to (happily) dismantle the myths and misconceptions in the functional medicine industry and replace them with the truth. His work is most often described as, “the functional medicine education you always wanted, but never received".
