How Trust Works (with Darryl Stickel)

Darryl Stickel (@Trust Unlimited) is the author of "Building Trust: Exceptional Leadership in an Uncertain World." With a keen focus on benevolence, trustworthiness, and vulnerability, Darryl has meticulously studied and tested his insights. He firmly believes in the existence of levers that, when mastered, can amplify trust in both personal and professional relationships. Darryl's groundbreaking research is poised to be a guiding light as we navigate the uncharted territories of the coming decades.
Key Takeaways:
Physiological Safety & Trust: A crucial element in high-functioning environments is a direct consequence of elevated levels of trust. How we trust is intertwined with our perception of uncertainty and vulnerability, where the latter equates to perceived risk. In the early stages of relationships, when uncertainty is high, our tolerance for vulnerability is limited, governed by a specific risk threshold. As relationships mature and uncertainty diminishes, the scope of vulnerability we can endure expands, fostering a deeper level of trust.
3 Key Levers of Trust: Benevolence, integrity, and ability collectively form one triad of trust, underpinning the foundation of reliable interpersonal connections. Genuine care for others' well-being (benevolence), consistent alignment with one's values (integrity), and demonstrated competence (ability) collectively cultivate a sense of trustworthiness that strengthens relationships, building a robust framework for mutual reliance.
Shared Perspective: Understanding another person's perspective of an event is a potent tool for cultivating understanding and collaboration, recognizing the inherent diversity in individual narratives. In conflicts or group dynamics, a transformative approach for resolution involves independently gathering each person's story before facilitating an exchange where individuals articulate and grasp each other's narratives. This process leads to the emergence of a shared story, enhancing collective comprehension and reducing discord.

