How to Render Blender Scene as Orthographic, Not Perspective

Learn how to toggle the preview, camera view and render between Perspective and Orthographic projection. Details below...
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0:00 - Toggle Preview Between Perspective/Orthographic
By default, a scene in Blender is shown in Perspective.
To toggle between Perspective/Orthographic projection...
1. Choose "Perspective/Orthographic" from the View menu
2. Press the number 5 on the numpad
3. Press the button with the grid icon in the 3D Viewport
0:20 - Change Camera/Render to Orthographic
Blender uses the camera to render a scene.
With the camera selected, click on the Object Data Properties tab and change the lens type to Orthographic.
Orthographic Scale:
Zoom the camera view in or out
Shift X and Y:
Reposition the scene within the camera view
