How To Do Pull-ups for Beginners | Easy and Safe Way


I believe prioritizing the safety and health benefits over performance should be our way of approaching a workout.
First and foremost, not everyone can or needs to do pull-ups. There are many other exercises you can do to work your pull muscles. But you might be someone like me who just wants to spice up the pull day or is interested in calisthenics. But that doesn't mean that pull-ups are only for a few athletic individuals. A bodybuilder might not have room to squeeze in pull-ups in the training program. Everyone may, and actually SHOULD have different elements in workout routines for the same muscle groups. So basically what I want to say here is you don't need to be like "Oh, he does 10 pull-ups and what's wrong with me." You are not him bro or sis, let's chill out.
Going back to the subject of pull-ups, let's just over-simplify it to be one of your fitness goals for the year. No matter where you are, motivation is great. But before you go too far, I want you to always remember that safety and stability come first before anything else. We want the correct form to activate our muscles rather than putting too much pressure on the joints. Here I have two movements that can help stabilize, strengthen, and enhance your scapula mobility. Because understanding how your scapula works is the key to maximizing the benefits of back workouts. Let me elaborate on this later on.

