How to Build A Data-Driven Culture

Organizations with a data-driven culture have a competitive advantage over those that don't, but a lot of companies think data driven means "looking at a lot of metrics" or "having a lot of dashboards." In this video we walk through what building a data driven culture means, the elements that support it, and the steps leaders can take to build a data driven culture in their organization.
00:00 Introduction
00:09 Why Develop A Data Driven Culture?
00:26 What A Data Driven Culture Is
00:47 What A Data Driven Culture DOES NOT Mean
00:59 Levels of a Data Driven Culture
01:40 Culture Starts with Leadership
02:42 Risks of Poor Data Infrastructure
03:12 Embed Data Expertise Through the Organization
04:45 Improve Organizational Data Literacy
05:08 Organizations Needs Trust and Curiousity
06:51 Embrace Uncertainty
07:59 Understand the Limits of Data
08:44 Leadership Key Takeaways
09:18 Conclusion
