How I work and homeschool?!

Don’t listen to the naysayers… they are just projecting what THEY can’t do on you!
When I decided to homeschool I was teaching full time with only me taking care of all my children’s care, expenses, healthcare, etc. “They” were partially right, with the hours, I couldn’t teach full time and homeschool, but that just meant I couldn’t be a classroom teacher. Here we are three and a half years later and I’m impacting way more children… all because I took a calculated risk and changed my lifestyle so I could homeschool.
I left teaching to do social media work full time, which I can do from home, and believe me the first 18 months was very hard. I cut my expenses down low low low low low and had several months where I almost couldn’t pay all the bills, but we made it through. It’s not a walk in the park now, but another 18 months and I think I would have mastered this!
How do I do it? Stick to a tight schedule, wake up early and either get your work or homeschooling out of the way. Do not attempt to multitask too much. Don’t try to teach every subject everyday, but do teach at least 15 minutes of core subjects daily (science, math, reading, writing). Set boundaries at work - will those people really explode if you wait to answer their email at 8pm?
#homeschool #homeschoolmom #blackhomeschoolers #momlife
