Here Comes North Korea 2.0

This is nothing but a wholesale selling out of the American people to the highest bidder. Even Kim Jong Un does not have this nor is he above being accountable to the people, contrary to the American myth that he does and can stay in power indefinitely.
Donald Trump wants to gut all governmental agencies that would hold him accountable. He does what he thinks is right and doesn't subscribe to being beholding to any watchdog or court challenges.
When he tried to ban Muslims, he got stopped.
Surprisingly, he passed the bump-stock ban but it was overturned and I wouldn't be surprised if he is glad that happened.
If Trump gets his way, I believe he will be what America paints Kim Jong Un to be. He does not want to be held accountable. He doesn't want to answer to anyone and wants to be able to get away with any wrongdoing simply because he is president. That is not a president. That's a King. That's a dictator.
The Supreme Court is a runaway train.
