Help! I Need a Cover for my Novel!


Hello Everyone.
I’m looking for help in developing a novel cover for my coming of age 80’s book called Battery Hill. I’ll use it for you tube and wattpad, but I also intend to self publish a small run of books as well. For me the cover of the actual physical book is much more important than the virtual because really that’s my bucket list item.
I’m okay with paying a small amount to someone who has experience, plus will give full attribution both online and in print. If you are interested or have leads on where I can find someone reputable, please let me know.
I have an old photo of my friends on a couch from the 80’s which I think would be perfect to use, or to modify, except it’s very wide, since its 5 of us on a couch longways. If someone is really talented with photoshop maybe they could do something with the pic and stack it so it fits portrait size instead of landscape.
I tried to use A.I. but it’s just too limited to give me exactly what I want. These book covers are samples that I tried to get A.I. to develop and then I had to modify the titles. They kind of give you an idea of the theme I was envisioning anyway.
Besides the 80’s, friends, around the ages of 15 and 16, other themes are winter, cold, native spirits, two rivers that cross, and dungeons & dragons.
As for an update on the book itself. I just finished a good run through it and edited. So, I consider all written parts to be ready for final contributions in editing by outside sources. I have 90% of it written. I have a final scene to write, and then a couple small scenes to insert elsewhere in the book.
I expect it to be done by mid-March, and then I am going to start posting sections on my channel here and on wattpad near the end of March. Here on you tube I will post it as an A.I. generated audio book with some additional pictures, videos and background ambience. If you want to actually read the sections than you can follow the links to wattpad.
Thanks everyone, I hope you don’t lose sight of the hopes and dreams you had as a kid. You can’t change the past, all you can do is live with it, learn from it, and start today making your life what you want it to be.

Пікірлер: 2

  • @gen-x-dad
    @gen-x-dad3 ай бұрын

    I think I will just use someone from Fivver
