Healing The Deepest Wound: Forgiving Betrayal | Daily Devotional

Healing The Deepest Wound: Forgiving Betrayal | Matthew 26:46-56, Luke 23:34, Matthew 11:28-30, Ephesians 4:31-32 World English bible.
#healingscriptures #mentalhealth #childofgod
Let's #pray and #bibleread together then close with key points to remember. #dailydevotional #royalloyaltreatment
I pray that anyone who reads this, if you are suffering under condemnation, that you are freed in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen! Peace be with You! 🙏❤️
#prayer #journal #spirtualityvlog #prayeveryday #royalloyaltreatment #deargod
#godsheart #jesus #faith #wisdom #love #humanity
#biblestudy #mentalhealth #depression #Spiritualgrowth #Isaiah4031#HopeBible verses #Overcomingdepression #Copingwithdepression #Findingpeace
#Inspirational #Scriptures #Christianliving #TrustingGod #ComfortinGod #StrengthinGod #Encouragingwords #Encouragement#christianmotiviation #christianinspiration #prayer #godhelpme

