Happy Birthday America! It’s Your Weekend Update.


It’s the 248th birthday of the country we call home, the US of A! If you’re fortunate enough to have some time to celebrate with those you love, take extra time to enjoy it.
You Will Never Feel “Ready”, but You Can be Prepared
Are you a Music Education major or novice music teacher and feeling overwhelmed at the road ahead? Then this article by Dr. Jessica Vaughan-Marra from the Yamaha Educator Suite is for you!
Music education majors and novice in-service music educators should actively engage in hands-on learning and maintain organized resources from their training. Connecting with teacher preparation programs, professional organizations, and experienced mentors is crucial for ongoing professional development. Observing and collaborating with master teachers can provide valuable insights. Setting professional goals, understanding personal motivation to learn, and developing a positive approach to feedback are essential for growth. Finally, refining adaptive expertise alongside routine skills will help educators effectively meet the diverse needs of their students and adapt to the evolving demands of the teaching profession.
Want to know more? Check out the full article!
Venturi Explained, in Short
We had the privilege of hosting a Shires Day at the University of Colorado Trumpet Studio! The presentation covered a lot of ground on trumpet construction and why certain build choices get made.
S.E. Shires’ own Matt Nishida gets in the weeds about Venturi. What is it and how does it affect the sound of your brass instrument? All will be revealed in less than 50 seconds!
#IPlayShires #MattNishida #BoomerMusic #Trumpet #CUTrumpet #Brass #TrumpetDesign #Venturi
• Venturi Explained, in ...
7 Video Lighting Tips That’ll Instantly Make You a Pro Video Creator
Good lighting is crucial for creating cinematic-quality videos, even with a smartphone. To achieve this, ensure your subject is well-lit using natural or artificial light, avoid harsh overhead lighting, and use a 3-point lighting setup (key light, fill light, and backlight) to add depth. Position the camera and lights to accentuate shadows and create a cinematic effect, avoid mixing different color temperatures, and prefer soft, diffused lighting over harsh light. Lastly, pay attention to catch lights in the subject's eyes to make them look more alive. For an in-depth exploration of these concepts, read the full article from invideo.io and take your video content to the next level!
#ThePodcastingStore #VideoProduction #CinematicLighting #FilmmakingTips #LightingTechniques #ContentCreation
Excerpted from “Ten Speeds, Too Many Words, and Seeing the Trees for the Forest” as published on The Podcasting Store’s Medium page
I had the same red bike with pedal brakes and yellow banana seat since I was six years old. It was neither stylish nor big enough, but it got me from A to B in the neighborhood. I remember one sweaty summer day on that bike bombing down Shawnee Avenue. At the bottom of the hill was a mound of sand left behind by the snow crews of winter, piled high near the storm drain. I hit the sand at full speed and my out-of-control bike wobbled onto a nearby front lawn. To this day my chin still bears the scar from the rapid deceleration caused by the mailbox.
To an almost ten-year-old on Leland Street, a bike was more than a bike - it was freedom. At first it was a way of seeing your neighborhood friends. When you were old enough it was the means to travel to Mattie’s Corner Market, the deli/convenience store just outside walking distance that had the best selection of candy this side of Skinners. The prospect of a new bike was a big deal.
All of this filled my mind as my grandfather continued to propose his idea. “How about a 10-speed bike?”
“No way!” I objected. “That’s way too many gears for me to manage. I’ll stick with one speed.”
Rather than argue, he stated a simple truth that I carry with me to this day…”
/ ten-speeds-too-many-wo...
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