GLOBAL-PTT the leader of PTTOC POC radios/walkietalkie

Welcome to GLOBAL-PTT, a world-leading supplier in the global Push-to-Talk over communication industry. We leverage cutting-edge technology to develop world-class radio communication solutions. From communication module development to radio production, from management platforms to radio application software, we provide one-stop services. No matter where you are, GLOBAL-PTT delivers stable and reliable communication services. We offer a complete product portfolio, enabling rapid device activation through our platform. Our products enable cross-regional calls, flexible group calls, and personalized individual call modes. Additionally, our dispatcher monitoring feature keeps you informed about member locations, trajectories, and emergency call information. Our products offer efficient and dependable communication solutions for various verticals, including commercial premises, fire departments, and construction sites. GLOBAL-PTT, a leading brand recognized in over a hundred countries worldwide. We take innovation, quality and service as business driving forces. Global-ptt will spare no effort to provide customers with top-notch products and services, achieving mutual development.
