Finding Your Inner Motivation: Bridging the Gap Between Wanting to Want It and Taking Action

“I want to be fit and healthy, but I don’t have the motivation.” We hear these words all the time. I was thinking about motivation, and it lead me to WANTING. I want to be … and where I ended up was bridging the gap between wanting to want it and taking action.
Finding Your Inner Motivation: Bridging the Gap Between Wanting to Want It and Taking Action
Many of us have the desire to be healthier and fitter. However, the gap between the desire for change and the actual steps taken can be miles apart. I thought we could delve into the common reasons that hold us back, ways to bridge the gap, and the significance of truly wanting to want a healthier, fit life.
Understanding the Roadblocks - Why We Don't Take Action:
1. Lack of Clear Motivation: Without a clear understanding of why that healthy, fit lifestyle is important to you. Uncovering the motivations behind our goals is crucial in creating a solid foundation for change.
2. Fear of Failure: The fear of falling short of our own expectations can be paralysing. It's essential to recognise that setbacks are a natural part of the journey and should be viewed as learning opportunities.
3. Comfort in the Familiar: Human beings are creatures of habit, finding comfort in routines even if they aren't conducive to good health. Breaking away from familiar patterns can be challenging but is essential for growth.
4. Information Overload: The overwhelming amount of health and fitness information available can create confusion and indecision. Simplifying the process and focusing on small, actionable steps can be a remedy.
5. Lack of Time: Busy schedules, especially for those over 50, can create the illusion of not having enough time for healthier habits. Prioritizing time for self-care is a vital step toward bridging this gap.
Bridging the Gap - Turning Intentions into Actions:
1. Clarify Your Goals: Start by clearly defining specific and achievable health and fitness goals. The more precise the goals, the easier it becomes to formulate a plan.
2. Start Small: Begin with manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Small victories build confidence and create a positive momentum for change.
3. Create a Plan: Develop a realistic and actionable plan that outlines the steps needed to achieve your goals. Having a roadmap can make the journey more manageable.
4. Build a Support System: Share your goals with a supportive network. Friends, family, or fitness communities can provide encouragement and accountability.
5. Visualize Success: Harness the power of visualization by picturing yourself achieving your goals. This mental imagery can serve as a powerful motivator.
The Essence of Wanting to Want It - Cultivating Intrinsic Motivation:
1. Find Intrinsic Motivation: Discover motivations that resonate with your values and personal aspirations. Connecting your health goals to what truly matters to you provides a deeper, enduring source of motivation.
2. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate every success along the way. Recognizing progress, no matter how small, reinforces positive behaviour.
3. Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Embrace a mindset that welcomes challenges as opportunities for growth. Viewing setbacks as learning experiences rather than failures fosters resilience.
4. Enjoy the Journey: Make the process enjoyable by incorporating activities and habits that bring joy. Enjoyment sustains motivation over the long term.
By understanding the reasons that often hinder progress, implementing effective strategies to bridge the gap, and cultivating a true "want to want it" mentality, you can unlock your inner motivation.
