Fantasy worldbuilding and Henry Cavill with Tom and Ben


There is more zinc in Tom's d than zinc ore.
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#Yogscast #AngoryTom #BenEdgar #Bedgar #Warhammer #TotalWar #HenryCavill #MissionImpossible

Пікірлер: 45

  • @YangKos5000
    @YangKos5000 Жыл бұрын

    Tom and Ben clearly have never been in a real fight in their entire life. Humans have a capacity of 6 punches before having to reload. Don't you remember when Ali said to George Foreman "I know what you're thinking. Did he punch me 6 times or only 5?"

  • @maxinesenior596


    Жыл бұрын

    You gotta ask yourself... Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

  • @bierrollerful


    Жыл бұрын

    It's not that they haven't been in a real fight. It's just that they never needed more than 5 punches to win their fight.

  • @mungobaggins8197
    @mungobaggins8197 Жыл бұрын

    Citation needed: I think this kind of happened with bows and arrows for bit (at least in war). Like, Sparta was able to get away with hating archery for a while because armor and shield tech had gotten so good, but they eventually got their asses handed to them by Athenian archers and they had begrudgingly start using bows.

  • @kickinacoustic6119


    Жыл бұрын

    I mean it kind of happened with early guns as well. Hand cannons were slow to take off because the cost, firing rate, and accuracy of bow made it generally a far more deadly weapon in combat.

  • @MrNemjit
    @MrNemjit Жыл бұрын

    Extremely aggressive sound sensitive wildlife would also work

  • @Wafflehunter42
    @Wafflehunter42 Жыл бұрын

    In a series I read gunpowder armies did not take off as even novice mages can ignite the gunpower stores from range while you have to be a great mage to do useful magic in battle.

  • @BenersantheBread


    Жыл бұрын

    I think the existence of mages should already invalidate most armies without them, even if they're really rare. Without nonsensical health point increases with levels, what is even the most elite formation of warriors going to do against a single D&D fireball?

  • @Voice_of_p


    Жыл бұрын

    @@BenersantheBread Your take is right. But COME ON D&D Fireball? Even the Devs admit that they didnt balance that.

  • @voodoominerman


    Жыл бұрын

    @@BenersantheBread Eragon and it's sequels handled that pretty well. A: magic took the same amount of energy to use as it took to do the thing, so you'd just kill yourself trying to cast big magic without having a source to draw from. B: battlemages would essentially be assigned to a squad, and deck them out with so many defensive spells that they were pretty much immune to magic. So in a battle all the mages would be having a telepathic war instead. Whoever one made the loser take down their wards and then kill themselves.

  • @nathanharvey8570
    @nathanharvey8570 Жыл бұрын

    A world that's really damp or stormy in a Stormlight Archive type way would never have viable black powder, and so you would probably not have gunpowder. Also the "tech tree" of real life is more like a tree, less like a Civ-esque tower, so there might not be a reason. People just might not have gone down that path.

  • @BenersantheBread
    @BenersantheBread Жыл бұрын

    (I believe) The biggest advantage early guns had (especially over crossbows) was the scare factor of the concentrated BOOM so you could have the main danger of the setting be an unthinking horde.

  • @rocketforthree4479
    @rocketforthree4479 Жыл бұрын

    You could have it so Gunshots have magical repercussions. Like If you shoot a gun, the force of it (breaking the sound barrier) damages the magical field of the universe. Like it rips a hole in time and space. Or the magic 'doesn't like it' or rebounds to the person holding the gun.

  • @Master.chylla


    Жыл бұрын

    Ooh like dark gods that simply hate that there's no weight behind the life taking and punish the user is you use it to much ~

  • @saoirsedeltufo7436


    Жыл бұрын

    That feels a bit like Dune where firing a gun will cause a massive explosion because of the shields and also kill the person firing

  • @rocketforthree4479


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Master.chylla That could work too! I was thinking of it more like magic was a life force that permeates through the universe (not sentient), and it rejects it as unnatural. Like when we throw up when we eat something bad, or our immune system attacks foreign objects

  • @rocketforthree4479


    Жыл бұрын

    @@saoirsedeltufo7436 Yeah kind of, Thats a good comparison. I was also thinking of it like real life pollution. Like it pollutes magic or degrades it and everyone mutually agrees not to use it since it would mean the loss of magic or the changing of its properties.

  • @kingkuma4112


    Жыл бұрын

    There was a book series I read where the world was ending because someone was making electric power and it turns out the invention of electricity also awakens the old ones.

  • @lucaswatson1913
    @lucaswatson1913 Жыл бұрын

    An idea I've not seen yet is a super oxygen rich atmosphere like in the Cambrian epoch, it would make guns ridiculously dangerous to invent as fire in general would be suvh a hazard

  • @WhiteTigerDelta
    @WhiteTigerDelta Жыл бұрын

    One idea you could go for is having guns be the worlds 'nuclear' option, i.e. some large scale conflict happened that was so devastating that the world effectively agreed to ban them to prevent a situation where they could all destroy each other. Either that or have guns sidelined due to how overdeveloped/interconnected everything is that anything with large collateral damage risks would be sidelined to keep conflicts 'cleaner' and without the massive rebuilding costs/effort.

  • @voodoominerman
    @voodoominerman Жыл бұрын

    The way I handled this in one of my D&D worlds was essentially what ben mentioned at the start. For story reasons, the continent the campaign was set had basically no geological activity, so Sulphur in any usable quantity was incredibly rare. Essentially only 2 nations had access to enough for guns to work, and neither was in a position to conquer anyone. One of them was extremely isolationist, and then broke down into a civil war, while the other was tied to a weird culture that was pretty much designed to stop them conquering everyone, getting over extended, and getting crushed in a counter attack.

  • @jonasquinn7977
    @jonasquinn7977 Жыл бұрын

    I think it is possible to have a setting where guns just don’t exist without an in depth explanation. For example Avatar, and especially Legend of Korra, has a tech level where guns should absolutely exist but they jus don’t. Primarily because it’s a world so focused on martial arts and it’s magic equivalent that the idea seemingly never occurred to anyone

  • @openfly4u


    Жыл бұрын

    But... thats an in depth, logical and reasonable explanation...

  • @bobsickle2336


    Жыл бұрын

    Except one of the key elements of the Korra series is that regular people are catching up to and in some ways surpassing benders, so there would absolutely be a drive to invent weapons that could level the field. If you have combustion engines (And giant platinum mecha), you have guns. Like how in Full Metal Alchemist, you have these people with superpowers basically, but all the people who don't do that still had the drive to create weapons of their own. If anything there would be more of a reason, it's an arms race. Korra wasn't a well thought out series, the creators just had a prohibition-era New York fetish. People went from subsistence farming to forklifts in one generation.

  • @jonasquinn7977


    Жыл бұрын

    @@openfly4u sure but it’s never openly explained, it’s just kinda understood and expected

  • @jonasquinn7977


    Жыл бұрын

    @@bobsickle2336 it’s culture dude, martial arts matters a lot so most of the weapons being designed revolves around that in some way. Plus FMA isn’t a fair comparison since that’s a magic system that’s entirely based in science and logic, alchemists are closer to scientists than wizards As for the tech level thing… look at history dude. Going from steam power to cars in 70 years makes absolute sense and that’s without considering the tech boom caused by peacetime and literal magic

  • @bobsickle2336


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@jonasquinn7977 If you read the inter-series comics you would know they went from crude steam boilers to industrial factories and forklifts while the OG crew are still teens. Makes the industrial revolution look like a joke. And culture isn't really an argument because only the benders themselves and a couple martial/spiritual orders practice martial arts. Your average person doesn't know jack about it. That's like arguing that nobles had a great martial history as heavy cavalry, so why would there be crossbows and guns?

  • @Naxmaardur
    @Naxmaardur Жыл бұрын

    In my own fantasy world gun powder requires magical fire crystals to be mixed into the powder for it to work. This caused it to be too expensive for the majority of the world as these crystals are rare and it is more beneficial to use them as a power source then amunation.

  • @joshuaevans4301
    @joshuaevans4301 Жыл бұрын

    Make it a solarpunk world where there is no internal combustion but it still has all the cool tech. Guns don't get invented until rail guns come along after high powered magnetics

  • @like17badgers
    @like17badgers Жыл бұрын

    Gundam actually had a good way around guns for a few of their series, they had their armor advance so far past everything else that ranged weaponry was ineffective, so these giant robots that were designed to fight in space are using massive swords, spears, and knives cause it was the only way to break through the armor

  • @EddThe19th


    Жыл бұрын

    The problem is it doesn't really make sense. If your robo arm can thrust a spear hard enough to punch through, theres should be nothing stopping you being able to apply that same force at distance using miriad of propulsion methods and the same materials you made the spear from. It's a lazy work around, but thats fine if the series isn't too based in reality because then who cares. But if you are trying to come up with a reason with a semblence of reality. Then armour is too tough never really makes sense. Especially in space where the ability to just drive alot of mass with a shit ton of thrust trumps pretty much any concept of protective measures. And theres no need for you to be anywhere near your projectile that you are doing that with.

  • @Legonist1
    @Legonist1 Жыл бұрын

    Most fantasy settings balance guns with force fields that only stop high velocity projectiles

  • @fufumccuddlypoops5502
    @fufumccuddlypoops5502 Жыл бұрын

    Could be alien race with super sensitive hearing and the proximity to gunshots when using them just explodes their eardrums or somthin

  • @beanosbeanos956
    @beanosbeanos956 Жыл бұрын

    A wizard/scientist cast a spell/did a science that made everyone forget what guns are

  • @thefoxwaits
    @thefoxwaits Жыл бұрын

    I love how everyone comes up with knife fight city.

  • @MisterTingles
    @MisterTingles Жыл бұрын

    easy, just make guns less cool. wouldn't be such a huge gun culture if guns all looked like the one made out of chicken carcass in eXistenZ

  • @Maglouk
    @Maglouk Жыл бұрын

    armor tech beating their current guns?

  • @PrisOwner16
    @PrisOwner16 Жыл бұрын

    I was going to suggest Dune as a good example and right at that moment Tom said Dune. I'm just going to put that on the 'great minds think alike' pile.

  • @yake222
    @yake222 Жыл бұрын

    i never understood why people are so against guns in fantasy

  • @saoirsedeltufo7436
    @saoirsedeltufo7436 Жыл бұрын

    Saltpetre? I believe it's potassium nitrate or nitrite (can't remember), which I think is also used in fertiliser, but other than that maybe you're fine with zapping that out of existence and maybe that means gunpowder is impossible or infeasible?

  • @msksuhr3121
    @msksuhr3121 Жыл бұрын

    ive thought of this concept a few times of having like super powerfull wargods that dont ever get involved in the politics or reasons or causes for war but they like to watch war but they want wars to be fought only the way they like what like they like might change over time or might not but yh essentially youd have actual laws of war governed by the wargods and if you break them they will wipe you out. and you know if they dont like guns then yh

  • @summbuddie9120
    @summbuddie9120 Жыл бұрын

