Fantasia • Deems Taylor Introduction HD (1940)


Fantasia - Deems Taylor Original Introduction 1940.
Here is the second projects in the works of MegaRock64 Studios, where I am reconstructing the original roadshow version of "Fantasia", all in HD. The following is all from my personal sources, and edited professionally to provide excellent viewing quality. If the audience is unaware of the reconstruction, allow me to explain. For the release of "Fantasia" in 2000 for a DVD release, the people over at the Walt Disney Studios film department discovered the original audio negative, which was in fact Deems Taylor's dub, was heavily worn, and therefore had to be redubbed. On the 1991 VHS release, the negative was left intact. This assumes the original dub must've been damaged over the course of 1991-2000. Most fans are aware of the removal of the black centaur "Sunflower", which her existence has been banned from the public since 1969. On other releases, she was zoomed out of the picture, which was not a very wise decision, as it left film grain on the image. Very recently, these scenes including Sunflower were wisely reanimated to remove her from the shot, resulting in a much clearer and better censorship. It is assumed that on negatives before 1969 contain the film entirely uncut, and sell for very high prices on auction sites such as eBay. In this Deems Taylor reconstruction, I am using the reanimated edit, to provide a higher quality picture. If anybody has a DVD / Laserdisc quality source containing Sunflower, please let me know! Anyways, I hope all of you enjoy this blast to the past, all remastered in HD.
*Watermarked so nobody steals the edit, if anybody asks for an unwatermarked video, this video may be taken down, with your username displaying why the video is gone. ASK FOR PERMISSION FOR USE.
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