Ep. 20: From Tragedy to Triumph: A Veteran's Journey to a Life of Abundance | Healing Through Comedy


Cary Harrison and Ashley Neal from Riverside Recovery Studios in Tampa, Florida, introduce Dave Closson, a military sniper-turned-life coach, speaker, and author credited with using his experiences to help others live a life of abundance. The episode explores Closson's personal story of struggling with PTSD, addiction, and recovery, highlighting how he utilized his 'inner warrior' and specialized skills from his military background to transform his life and guide others. Then, an engaging conversation with Sean Daniels, a director, advocate, and person in long-term recovery, who’s currently leading the Recovery Project at Florida Studio Theatre. Known for creating the off-Broadway play 'The White Chip,' Daniels discusses his personal journey with alcohol addiction, the role of arts and comedy in recovery, and his mission to destigmatize addiction through entertainment.
Riverside Recovery of Tampa (rrtampa.com) is proud to be a trusted member of the Veterans Affairs' Community Care Network (CCN), providing exceptional services for our honored Veterans. As part of this network, we ensure direct access to top-tier healthcare, maintaining the highest standards of treatment. Our unique approach emphasizes the significance of a supportive community, fostering an environment crucial for Veterans throughout their recovery journey. From initial detox to achieving lasting sobriety, Riverside Recovery of Tampa is dedicated to the well-being of those who have served our nation. Call us at: 800-871-5440
Part. 1:
Uniting Others Through Empowerment
Dave's journey begins with a deep passion for uniting others and helping them lead abundant lives. As a motivational speaker, he guides individuals towards professional success, increased freedom, and the exhilarating feeling of starting each day with purpose. Through his work, Dave emphasizes the importance of inner strength and resilience in achieving personal growth and fulfillment.
Overcoming Challenges and Finding Self-Discovery
Dave's path to empowerment was paved with challenges, including a traumatic brain injury, PTSD, and struggles with addiction. However, it was through a series of pivotal moments and self-reflection that he found the courage to confront his inner demons and embark on a journey of personal transformation. By delving deep into his authentic self, Dave was able to rediscover his true identity and start afresh on the path to healing.
Harnessing Inner Warrior and Self-Awareness
Central to Dave's story is his ability to tap into his inner warrior, a reservoir of strength and resilience cultivated through his military experience. By leveraging his discipline, mission-focus, and support networks, Dave demonstrates how one can overcome adversities and emerge stronger. His emphasis on post-traumatic growth and self-awareness highlights the importance of introspection and uncovering one's unique strengths.
Teaching Through Listening and Empathy
As a coach, Dave not only shares his story but also inspires others to discover their inner resilience and authenticity. Through active listening and empathy, he guides individuals towards understanding their core values, crafting a vision for their future, and aligning their goals with their authentic selves. By fostering a safe and supportive environment, Dave empowers others to embrace their stories and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Embracing Authenticity and Individuality
One of the key lessons from Dave's journey is the power of authenticity and individuality. By being true to oneself and embracing vulnerability, one can cultivate genuine connections, foster trust, and navigate through life's challenges with integrity. Dave's nuanced approach to coaching emphasizes the importance of aligning personal values with professional goals and surrounding oneself with a supportive community.
In conclusion, Dave Closson's story is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, self-awareness, and authenticity. Through his unwavering commitment to empowering others and sharing his journey of personal growth, Dave inspires us to embrace our inner warriors, overcome challenges with grace, and lead lives filled with purpose and abundance. As we navigate through life's complexities, let us draw inspiration from Dave's story and strive to unlock our true potential through self-discovery and empowerment.
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Part. 2:
Embracing Comedy to Address Stigma
Sean Daniels is the creator of the off-Broadway play "The White Chip," which delves into the struggles of alcohol addiction, a prevalent issue affecting many Americans. With notable producers like John Larroquette and Annalee Ashford, Sean's play aims to use entertainment as a tool for change, de-stigmatizing addiction through humor and storytelling.
Leveraging the Arts to Transform Narratives
Through his work with the Recovery Project at Florida Studio Theat...

