Dutch Sheets: Life-Giving Power Dwells in the Presence of Holy Spirit (Deu

Dutch Sheets: Life-Giving Power Dwells in the Presence of Holy Spirit (Deu 32:10)
Dutch speaks at Kairos Transformation Ministries on 7/22/2023 in Atlanta, GA. Quotes: “When God shows up and envelops the place, the person, the room with his power and his glory, life starts flowing. Reproductive resurrection power, zoe life. Things are new, creations start springing forth, things that are barren start reproducing.”
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And start by reading a verse
which you will recognize in Isaiah 43:26
Just going to take it out of context
and just read one verse to bring a phrase to you,
verse 26 of Isaiah 43, "Put me in remembrance."
I always struggled with that verse, you know,
why would you have to remind God of something?
I just thought, you know,
I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
I mean, I've heard people pray that way
and they say, "Lord, I remind you."
And I just - I'm not going to do that
because I just can't bring myself to do it.
Because I really didn't understand how, you know?
Why would we need to remind God of anything?
He doesn't forget anything.
And then, I don't know, four or five years ago,
I was actually studying the Word “testimony”
that I shared last night, and the fact that it...
the root concept in the Word doesn't just mean
to talk about something in the past,
but it means to do that again.
So, I was studying that,
and one of the lexicons sent me to the word "remember"
and it says, it's kind of like that word, it has a dual meaning.
It doesn't just mean recall something,
but it means to "recall the past and do something about it."
So the concept is not so much, it's sometimes it is it remembering
because you forgot, but sometimes it's not remembering something
as in you forgot it.
This might be a good example,
for 30 years you've been waiting,
saving, planning to build your dream home,
but you've never done it because it just wasn't time.
You didn't have the funds.
Maybe your job, you couldn't do it yet.
But then the day comes
when you've you have the funds, you know it's time.
You're going to build that house.
You remember all that you've thought about that house.
You're not saying you forgot about it. It's your dream home.
You're saying, you pulled it up and started taking action.
So, you got an architect and you get the permits
and you bought, or maybe you had the land and you built it.
You remembered your dream home
But you had never forgotten it.
You just finally pulled it up and took action.
So when we say to the Lord,
"remember this," we're not saying, have You forgotten?
We're saying, would You take action on this now?
So that word is used quite a few times in scripture
in ways where it would say the Lord, for example,
"remembered Hannah and she conceived." [1 Samuell 2:21]
Well, it's not saying He forgot about.
"Oh, my goodness, I forgot Hannah."
It is saying, He said, "I know what I promised her
and now it's time and I'm going to do it."
"He remembered His promise to Abraham" Psalm 105:42]
and can I say this in Georgia?
I think I can. When He remembered His promise to Abraham
all hell broke loose in Egypt. Literally, because it's time.
He took action. "Samson repented and God remembered Samson."
[Judges 16:28] We hadn't forgotten about him.
He said, now I can do something for him.
So I'm asking God to remember the forward.
I'm asking God to remember America.
I'm asking God to remember your state.
And the promise is I'm asking Him
to remember your children.
So, you go before the Lord and you say, "hey, hey here...
You told me You're going to do this.
My faith is in You to do this.
I'm asking You to move now."
So, then we pray, and I'm going to move on
because I just want that in your psyche.
I want that in your mind
when you pray over your state.
I want you to know that God doesn't forget,
but God does have a time.
That's why I'm sharing that with you.
God puts events together
and He brings us to the right time and then He acts,
but He's not forgotten His promise
and He's not forgotten you.
But as we pray, I'm going to move on to this point
and stay here in on this one for a little while.
I haven't talked about this in probably years.
But the Lord took me
in my thinking this morning and praying to Genesis one.
That's a good place to start, isn't it?
When He created the heavens and the earth
and all that we see around us.
"The earth was without form and void." [Gensis 1:2]
Those words mean barren, not just empty,
like He hadn't done anything yet,
the words mean sterile, barren, no ability to reproduce.
There were no seeds.
There was no life at that point.
