Duo Sebastian Studnitzky / Paul Kleber live 2012 | Jazz | 55 Arts Club Berlin


Sebastian Studnitzky & Paul Kleber live 2012 | Jazz | 55 Arts Club Berlin
Enjoy the whole concert on www.55artsclub.com
It's jazz and more than that. It's music in which big emotions unifiy with consistent minimalism - where the sound scapes are detailed and exciting. Whether with the trombone or the piano Sebastian Studnitzky's songs are characterized with an extraordinary and individual tone: smooth, flowing and laid back but still intense and vivid - disarmingly simple and direct. Studnitzky's sound, his musical spectrum, his creative disorder, his accuracy and energy make his music into a wonderful live experience - with Paul Kleber on bass.
55 Arts Club GmbH
Salzufer 15-16
10587 Berlin
Fon: +49 (0)30 89 74 91 49
Fax: +49 (0)30 89 74 91 51

