Doomsday clock

Doomsday Clock: History and Symbolism
Welcome to our channel! In this video, we'll explore the Doomsday Clock from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and its remarkable symbolism.
Project History
We'll learn about the history of the project, launched in 1947, and its role in tracking nuclear threats and the global situation.
Midnight Symbolism
We'll uncover the symbolism of midnight on these clocks, representing the moment of nuclear catastrophe and the end of the world, while the time remaining until midnight reflects progress in nuclear weapons development and global tension.
Impact and Significance
We'll discuss the impact and significance of the Doomsday Clock on public opinion and awareness, as well as its role in highlighting the issue of nuclear security.
Join us to gain a deeper understanding of the symbolic meaning and history of the Doomsday Clock and its importance in the modern world.

