Donut Shuffle Sinciput (SMM2)


Name: Donut Shuffle Sinciput
Code: 4VS-7XT-BKF
Description: Apply directly to the forehead.
This isn't a port, but a brand new level, so naturally you may be wondering if I've changed my overwhelmingly negative opinion of SMM2. No, not really!
This is a donut shuffle variation that I brainstormed together with viewers on stream while taking a break from porting SMM1 levels.
It seemed appropriate given that the process of porting from SMM1 to SMM2 can often be likened to repeatedly smashing your head against a wall, due to the myriad senseless changes that Nintendo made to the basic mechanics of the game.
(For the curious: Sinciput is a Latin word for (fore)head from which the medical adjective "sincipital" was derived.)

