Day 7 - Get hippy

Get hippy - Work through the Uncomfortable
So today let’s continue with exploring how we can use yoga to release a bit of tension and positively affect your day.
We’re going to focus on the hips. This is an area where tension and emotion are stored so I would always recommend working the hips to release tension and stress. The hips are also connected to lower back issues and overcoming fears.
It’s a very neglected area because we generally only use our hips to walk forward and sit down a lot of the rest of the time so it can often feel very unconformable to work the hips deeply but sometimes we have to work through the uncomfortable to get through to the other side. And we often surprise ourselves when we do this. We will work on some lunges, frog and pigeon.
NB. I never recommend pain of any kind. In yoga we never take ourselves too far to pain. If you ever feel pain, STOP. Uncomfortable is to our edge. Our edge is just past our comfort zone and it’s good to go there but no further.
