Day 27 Of Sofa To Summit | A 30 Day Fitness Journey

Today is Day 27 of Sofa To Summit, and it's high intensity interval training (HIIT) day!
SIGN UP at to receive the full program, delivered to your inbox as well as all of the tools and resources that you need throughout the 30 days.
We're going to do 8 rounds of HIIT, alternating 45 seconds of a high intensity exercise with 60 seconds of lower intensity exercise.
Today I'm showing you 3 different exercises, but you get to choose what exercises you do!
Use the Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale below to determine intensity level. And remember, you can use your method of choice for this High Intensity Interval Training such as jump rope, treadmill running, hill running, burpees, uphill walking, etc.
✅ Warm up for a few minutes
✅ Perform 45 seconds of a cardio exercise (like running at an incline, jump rope, burpees, etc) at a level 8 (on the Perceived Exertion Scale)
✅Perform 60 seconds of a low to moderate exercise, such as walking (or you can even completely rest) at a level 4 (on the Perceived Exertion Scale).
✅Alternate between the high intensity and lower intensity for 8 rounds
After you complete the workout, please comment below how it went.
I'm happy to have you on this journey with me. Please post below with any comments or questions.
With gratitude,
Scott Colby
The Grateful Hiker
Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale
Level 1: I'm watching TV and eating bonbons (obviously you're not exercising very hard)
Level 2: I'm comfortable and could maintain this pace all day long
Level 3: I'm still comfortable but breathing a bit harder
Level 4: I'm sweating a little but feel good and can carry on a conversation
Level 5: I'm just above comfortable, am sweating more and can still talk easily
Level 6: I can still talk, but am breathless
Level 7: I can still talk, but I don't really want to. I am sweating like a pig
Level 8: I can grunt in response and can only keep up this pace for a short time period
Level 9: I feel like I am probably going to die.
Level 10: I feel like I am almost dead
