Cory is a 2 x HBAC Mama going on 3

Today on The Natural Birth Podcast we have Cory
Cory is a mama of three and soon four from Texas, USA.
Her first baby was born in Hawaii where she met her husband. She planned a natural birth that turned into a C/S which she wasn’t happy about and therefore was adamant in having a VBAC for her second.
Her second became her redemption birth and she ended up having her baby in the luxury of her own home as she puts it.
Her next daughter was also born at home and today Cory has a huge passion for natural birth and is an advocate for other HBAC & VBAC mamas.
She is currently planning her 3rd Home Birth after C/S and has no intention of ever birthing in a hospital again.
Curious about Cory? Find her on instagram as @onewildmother
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