Contemporary Black Artists in Museums : A French-American Conversation (english)

Open to all, the round table on June 18th, 2024 will bring together two contemporary artists: Glenn Ligon (USA) and Emo de Medeiros (France/Benin).
The event will also welcome Valerie Cassel Oliver, curator of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Antonia Rigaud (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), who has devoted part of her research to Ligon's work, and Philippe Dagen (Institut National de l'Histoire de L'Art), who also works as an art critic for the newspaper Le Monde and as a curator. A 90-minute informal discussion between the participants will be followed by a 30-minute exchange with the audience. Topics will include the pratices and commitment of the two guest artists, their perception of issues of diversity and inclusion in the USA and France, the writing of history in the visual arts, and the need to defend a more intersectional interpretation of culture.
This project is supported and sponsored by the Terra Foundation for American Art, the Institut des Amériques (IdA), the United States Embassy and the FRAME (French American Museum Exchange) network.
