CONGO | A Rwandan Invasion?

In June 2023, a high-level UN panel accused Rwanda of supporting an insurgence in the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. While the Rwandan Government has angrily denied that it lies behind the group, known as M23, many Western states are pointing the finger of blame at Kigali. So, what lies behind the tensions between Rwanda and the DRC? And could we be about to see another Congo War?
The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda have had a complicated and brutal history. Having been under Belgium’s colonial, they were subject to numerous atrocities. This laid the foundations for difficulties as they gained independence in 1960 and 1962. For its part, exceptionally resource-rich Congo was immediately plunged into a brutal war that eventually saw it come under the dictatorial regime of Mobutu Sese Seko, who renamed the country Zaire. As for Rwanda, it would experience deep intertribal tensions that would result in a genocide in 1994 as the majority Hutu murdered 800,000 Tutsi. This would in turn, see the overthrow of Mobutu. But the allies soon turned on each other, sparking a Second Congo War. This would drag in many other African countries, becoming known as Africa’s Great War or Africa’s World War. But while this ended in 2002, tensions continue. since then, Rwanda has continued to have a major influence over the DRC, supporting a major insurgency in the country's east. This has again been highlighted by the UNbGroup of Experts. So, could we see a new conflict between Rwanda and the DRC?
Secession and State Creation: What Everyone Needs to Know
Oxford University Press
Hello and welcome! My name is James Ker-Lindsay, and here I take an informed look at International Relations, conflict, security, and statehood. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe. If you want more, including exclusive content and access to the channel Discord server, please consider becoming a Channel Member or support me through Patreon. I would greatly appreciate your support. Thank you!
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00:00 Introduction and Titles
00:48 Congo, Rwanda and Forms of War
02:20 DR Congo and Rwanda: Location and Population
03:27 The Belgian Colonisation of Central Africa
04:41 The Creation of DR Congo, Rwanda and Burundi
06:20 The Fall of Mobutu and the Rwandan Genocide
07:44 The Second Congo War | Africa’s World War
09:02 Growing Tensions in Eastern Congo
11:35 Rwanda and the Return of M23
13:08 A Third Congo War?
Security Council Report | DR Congo
2013 Congo-M23 Peace Agreement
UN Group of Experts | 2022 Report
Council on Foreign Relations | DR Congo
The War That Doesn't Say Its Name: The Unending Conflict in the Congo
- The contents of this video and any views expressed in it were not reviewed in advance nor determined by any outside persons or organisation.
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#Congo #Rwanda #DRC

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  • @JamesKerLindsay
    @JamesKerLindsay Жыл бұрын

    This is a topic I have wanted to cover for a while. One of my first videos was on the Congo Crisis, 1960-63. This had a massive effect on international relations. But sixty years later, the DRC is still mired in conflict. And things seem to be getting worse. This time the problem is focused on the country's east. So, do you think Congo and Rwanda are destined for another full-scale war?

  • @danielbirchfield8552


    Жыл бұрын

    Would you be willing to tell me how conflicts like this relate to/prohibit movements like the East African Federation? I would greatly appreciate the added context.

  • @danielbirchfield8552


    Жыл бұрын

    btw love your channel, idek how many of your videos ive watched at this point.

  • @mitchmazamez1989


    Жыл бұрын

    To be helpful, your video should start by stating facts as they are: Congo’s troubles are not just “focused on the country's east”, but everywhere. This has been the case throughout the recent past. Examples - _“Nearly 20 people were shot dead in the early hours of Monday, June 26 by militiamen commonly known as Mobondo, in the territory of Kwamouth _*_[Western_*_ side of the Congo].”_ (Okapi, the UN radio station in the Congo, on 06/27/2023) *_“Mass-graves_*_ found of at least 535 killed during ‘organized and planned’ attacks in _*_western_*_ DR Congo”_ (UN News 1/30/19) _”UN peacekeepers discover _*_mass graves_*_ in _*_Ituri_*_ province”_ (here on y-tube, 1/20/23).

  • @mitchmazamez1989


    Жыл бұрын

    The Congo behaves like the proverbial camel that sneaked into the EAC tent. This is a serious impediment to East African integration efforts.

  • @theconqueringram5295


    Жыл бұрын

    I am going to say right now, no. But there will still be conflict, a lot of conflict.

  • @clem5474
    @clem5474 Жыл бұрын

    I am from Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean military involvement in the Second Congo War was the beginning of the end of the Zimbabwean economy which many people don't know about or choose to overlook. We incurred huge debt to fund that war, which took a tremendous hit on our economy and instability in the country. To add salt to the injury, right after involving ourselves in the Congo war, Mugabe initiated the land reform program which as we all know "Made all Zimbabweans Trillionaires." The situation in Africa goes deeper than we are just lazy that's why we are poor rhetoric. It's a combination of many factors, including some international players. Side Note: I don't think international players can solve African problems. African problems need African solutions. If we as Africans don't come together and find a way to stop this nonsense we will always and forever exploited both from within and from the outside.

  • @Dodsodalo


    Жыл бұрын

    I don't know anyone who blames Africa being in a shit situation because of its people. Most people I know of blames it's abomination called geography. It is hands down some of the worst geography on the planet to build a coherent country. Great resources, but a pain to get to, horrible travel and environment to build sufficient infrastructure, and tribal conflicts kinda make it a bitch to build in. It's kind of why African immigrants to the west tend to do fairly well. It's less the people more the location that has fucked Africa. Although it's beautiful to look at, it's a bitch to work in, or build, or connect, etc. So Africa's problem, I'd say, is having the worst geography for country building on the planet.

  • @amosmunezero9958


    Жыл бұрын

    Preach bro/sis you are damn right and spot on, i think we need to look at this conflict deeper from historical and present perspectives if we do that then it is no long then just Rwanda vs Congo but the entire region needs to get their shit together to resolve it amicably, i dont think forever instability in DRC is any good for Rwandan's future visions and the same goes for DRC and even Uganda and Burundi, and Tanzania to some extent.

  • @clem5474


    Жыл бұрын

    @@amosmunezero9958 That is true.

  • @nsofwapetermuma2008


    Жыл бұрын

    No I was in Zimbabwe that period” Kabila paid Mugabe with diamonds” plus other sadc country’s. the army officers who went to Congo were veterans the sacrifices, for the Zimbabwean economy it was the British against the land reform. Tony Blair regime.😌

  • @ronaldmadziro5679


    Жыл бұрын

    Well Angola tried to mediate talks to de-escalate,but Kagame and his greed will talk peace in one breath and then still continue arming M23 to destabilise the Congo to steal resources. He enjoys receiving Aid from France,US and UK who love rewarding him for stealing Congo’s minerals. This is leaving Congo with no choice but to defend itself against a hostile enemy of 26 years. As much as Zimbabwe suffered badly for fighting in 2nd Congo War,it in a way saved Congo from being chopped up into 5 countries. Kagame still wants to chop up the Congo,so it’s why DRC is fighting to keep their nation together.

  • @youknow6968
    @youknow6968 Жыл бұрын

    Congo is a forgotten sad story of modern age. It hardly gets a mention.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    I completely agree. This is a country of 100 million people! And yet it gets hardly any attention.

  • @mysterioanonymous3206


    Жыл бұрын

    Because they don't matter an awful lot in terms of economics... That's all that counts, sorry to say.

  • @t.c.4321


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@mysterioanonymous3206yes and no. A vaste amount of ressources which are vital in the modern globalized economy are extracted from the region.

  • @youknow6968


    Жыл бұрын

    @@mysterioanonymous3206 it's a massively resource rich country. I'm sure there are number of factors. Perhaps race, disregard towards Africa, and as you say economics, but still, it's just sad, especially since they've suffered so much since colonial times. They've spent trillions in last 20 years fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can change the destiny of the entire developing world with those kind of resources, spent with some planning. America would gain new trading partners, everyone benefits.

  • @mysterioanonymous3206


    Жыл бұрын

    @@t.c.4321 idk man, many materials exist in many places, but their extraction is usually linked to a significant environmental impact which is why they're usually only mined in poor nations. Prospecting is only done where the jurisdiction makes extraction possible so many areas that seem empty are in fact just unexplored. For example, one of the largest natural gas fields in the world is in... ... Groningen, Netherlands. But they don't want to deal with the fallout of extraction, so Russian gas it is. The same applies to most materials with the exeption of oil which is really the grease of the global economy. But by and at large, mining relies on toxic chemicals and is low value added, so the developed world voter/worker isn't going to have that.

  • @TheKraken5360
    @TheKraken5360 Жыл бұрын

    It can be challenging to get information on current events in Africa. I'm know there are a number of conflicts and other major events happening there. But, the continent is rarely discussed in the media. Thanks for taking some time to focus on this part of the world.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. Yes, it is a challenge in all sorts of ways. And this is a rather complex issue. I’ve always been fascinated about the strange relationship between this huge country and its tiny neighbour. Hopefully, this helps explain it.

  • @superman9772


    Жыл бұрын

    wagner is filtering its convicts/mercenaries into africa along with all its social media trolls... i imagine there'll be quite of bit news coming out as people attempt to flee and get to europe from the havoc that wagner will create... a lot of the current social issues in france were fermented out of these african social conflicts... seems like one of these youtube "analyst/researcher/presenters" would present that connection...

  • @kongo289


    Жыл бұрын

    @JamesKerLindsay mobutu did not support the rwandan rebel fleeing to his country. He took the body of abyarimana cause he believed that the RPF started the rwandan genocide and killed abyarimana

  • @ahata7245


    Жыл бұрын

    This so called expert hates Rwanda leadership and is not surprising that he is ignoring some keys factors of the Great Lakes conflicts. This guy in the video seems determined to justify murder/genocide against Tutsi that happened/happening in Rwanda/RDC. Some of this westerner narratives sound like those Western NGOs(backed by western secret services) and are very misleading. 1st, Rwanda(like Burundi Kingdom) was 1000s years old kingdom and was led by Tutsi clans. This westerner narrative claiming that Tutsi royal family was supported by Belgian is also false. Rwanda kings fought fiercely for Rwanda independence until the Belgian colonialists/génocidaires decide to remove/assassinate the Kings of Rwanda. Belgian amplified and supported Hutu extremists that later led to the 1959/1960s/1970s/1980s/1990s Genocides Against Tutsi. M23 and other rwandophone congolese rebels groups are led by congolese Tutsi&rwandophones congolese to defend their own people who are facing Genocide in RDC since 1970s(in contrast with western propaganda trying to make people beleive that RDC conflicts started in 1994 which is false) After killing more than 1millions Tutsi in the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi, hutu extremists fled to East RDC until today, no one has attempted to disarm them despite MONUSCO troops being present to disarm which the failed to do. Which raises a lot of questions as to why the USA & EU aren't interested in pacification of East RDC and keep sabotaging the Peace Negotiation Initiatives led by Africa Union with help of East Africa/SADECs communities. Important: The USA and some of its NATO lapdogs are again behind the RDC war with the goal to destabilize Uganda/Burundi/Rwanda/Tanzania. USA & former colonialits among NATO want to keep Africa underdeveloped.

  • @congoleseyouthnetworkc.y.n1803


    Жыл бұрын


  • @ramathanabdallah6493
    @ramathanabdallah6493 Жыл бұрын

    My country Uganda and Rwanda are the one responsible for wars and conflicts in Congo ..

  • @fidelk.5066


    11 ай бұрын


  • @ConservativedMan


    11 ай бұрын

    How so?

  • @thewisemaninvest5600


    11 ай бұрын

    @@ConservativedManI respect ramatbanbdallah for speaking facts, it’s Rwanda and Uganda supported by USA, UK, FRANCE, & OTHERS . the reason for war is to break DRC apart and steal their minerals. They fear DRC BECAUSE OF ITS WEALTH AND THEY WANT IT BROKEN APART TO BETTER CONTROL.

  • @thewisemaninvest5600


    11 ай бұрын

    @@ConservativedManpretty soon they will be some sort of war in DRC but eventually by the grace of God DRC will rise watch out for 2030-2035, don’t be surprise if you witness the rise of DRC , it’s been prophesied .

  • @user-po3wd3ez1o


    11 ай бұрын

    All will pay in the future we afrikan will figth until all house niggaz and sale are gone Allah knows we ain't playing with no haters or kkk helpers

  • @tyronejoshua1613
    @tyronejoshua1613 Жыл бұрын

    I'm happy wer covering Africa again. It's been a while

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. Yes. And this was a topic that I have wanted to cover for ages. I looked at the 1960-63 Congo Crisis as part of my PhD. It is a country with a fascinating but truly brutal and tragic history!

  • @stevensmith2078
    @stevensmith2078 Жыл бұрын

    I expected deeper analysis of Rwanda’s interests in Congo, which could include security interests and financial ones.

  • @brightlight7217


    11 ай бұрын

    There's definitely security questions. Congo is the one that can raise that point.

  • @reneroux2391


    3 ай бұрын

    @@brightlight7217 Rwanda can too since congo is working with fdlr genocidaires

  • @misgana5049
    @misgana5049 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for covering this topic. I initially learned about Congo's circumstances several years ago through a book called "Dancing in the Glory Of Monsters," and the account was truly horrifying. Coming from Eritrea, another country plagued by a highly problematic government, the situation in Congo has made me appreciate the relatively easier life I have had.

  • @manzideacon4178


    Жыл бұрын

    This is a biased report nothing profersional, he failed to mention the anti tutsi ideologies which led to the congolese army in integrating FDLR(the perpetrators of the against the tutsi in 1994 Rwanda) in the congolese army FARDC which is one of the main cause for M23 to pick up arms.

  • @proudlyafrican6043


    Жыл бұрын

    @@manzideacon4178nsense anti Tutsi was in Rwanda and Burundi not it Congo your mission of trying to divide Congo under the pretext of saying that Rwanda land was given to Congo will not work another question is why aren’t Hutu making noise about Rwanda land being held by Congo or join rebellion to try and annex kivu but only the Tutsi people are the one doing all this mess, that victimhood mentality you played in Rwanda will not succeed in Congo and the hima-Tutsi hegemony you are fighting to establish in the Great Lake region will not prevail

  • @jeremiemukisa3377


    11 ай бұрын

    You must review your reports

  • @congoleseyouthnetworkc.y.n1803


    11 ай бұрын

    @nbajikijay4296 kzread.infoLruI4EFfqN4?feature=share Evidence of Rwandan force who were captured aiding M23 terrorist who are also from Rwanda.

  • @congoleseyouthnetworkc.y.n1803


    11 ай бұрын

    ​@@manzideacon4178 kzread.infotS7yy8QeTMQ?feature=share Rwandan or Banaymulenge?

    @TIENxSHINHAN Жыл бұрын

    It's so sad that Congo and Angola went from some of the most advanced and internationally known empires in Africa to some of the worst places on earth.

  • @user-po1np7zy8d


    Жыл бұрын

    Angola had one of the strongest economies in Africa

  • @ahata7245


    Жыл бұрын

    This so called expert hates Rwanda leadership and is not surprising that he is ignoring some keys factors of the Great Lakes conflicts. This guy in the video seems determined to justify murder/genocide against Tutsi that happened/happening in Rwanda/RDC. Some of this westerner narratives sound like those Western NGOs(backed by western secret services) and are very misleading. 1st, Rwanda(like Burundi Kingdom) was 1000s years old kingdom and was led by Tutsi clans. This westerner narrative claiming that Tutsi royal family was supported by Belgian is also false. Rwanda kings fought fiercely for Rwanda independence until the Belgian colonialists/génocidaires decide to remove/assassinate the Kings of Rwanda. Belgian amplified and supported Hutu extremists that later led to the 1959/1960s/1970s/1980s/1990s Genocides Against Tutsi. M23 and other rwandophone congolese rebels groups are led by congolese Tutsi&rwandophones congolese to defend their own people who are facing Genocide in RDC since 1970s(in contrast with western propaganda trying to make people beleive that RDC conflicts started in 1994 which is false) After killing more than 1millions Tutsi in the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi, hutu extremists fled to East RDC until today, no one has attempted to disarm them despite MONUSCO troops being present to disarm which the failed to do. Which raises a lot of questions as to why the USA & EU aren't interested in pacification of East RDC and keep sabotaging the Peace Negotiation Initiatives led by Africa Union with help of East Africa/SADECs communities. Important: The USA and some of its NATO lapdogs are again behind the RDC war with the goal to destabilize Uganda/Burundi/Rwanda/Tanzania. USA & former colonialits among NATO want to keep Africa underdeveloped.

  • @kariluckis8030


    Жыл бұрын

    Worst places in the world? Where did you learn that?

  • @sarahtmn


    Жыл бұрын

    Worst place on earth??😂😂😂 you better look at your own country before judging mine!!



    Жыл бұрын

    @@sarahtmn constant war, poverty, child slavery, foreign exploitation, Angola particularly being home to both some of the poorest people on the planet while also having the most expensive city on the planet. Hopefully 🇨🇩🇨🇬🇦🇴 can build themselves back up to what they used to be, but we can't pretend that they aren't incredibly unstable countries. I'd love to visit DRC but I'm not going to pretend the problems there don't exist.

  • @hilestoby2628
    @hilestoby2628 Жыл бұрын

    I have read in some some DRC news organizations that Rwanda has been using m23 as a front to extracting valuable rare earth minerals and re- exporting them into Tanzania for global markets. Professor your reports on Africa are some of the most objective I have seen. Keep up the good work.

  • @danbolamu7207


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes. Rwanda is the first seller of Coltan but DRC is the first producer

  • @GM-Media


    Жыл бұрын

    @@boyafrika5748 this is a liar , big liar there is never been a land of Rwanda that been taken by Congo . Go do your search those tustsi came to Congo as refugees and now turning our beloved country to war zone . They will never be Congolese and Rwanda will pay for this for long time .

  • @olivierbetu523


    Жыл бұрын

    @@boyafrika5748 Quelle simplification!

  • @ahata7245


    Жыл бұрын

    This so called expert hates Rwanda leadership and is not surprising that he is ignoring some keys factors of the Great Lakes conflicts. This guy in the video seems determined to justify murder/genocide against Tutsi that happened/happening in Rwanda/RDC. Some of this westerner narratives sound like those Western NGOs(backed by western secret services) and are very misleading. 1st, Rwanda(like Burundi Kingdom) was 1000s years old kingdom and was led by Tutsi clans. This westerner narrative claiming that Tutsi royal family was supported by Belgian is also false. Rwanda kings fought fiercely for Rwanda independence until the Belgian colonialists/génocidaires decide to remove/assassinate the Kings of Rwanda. Belgian amplified and supported Hutu extremists that later led to the 1959/1960s/1970s/1980s/1990s Genocides Against Tutsi. M23 and other rwandophone congolese rebels groups are led by congolese Tutsi&rwandophones congolese to defend their own people who are facing Genocide in RDC since 1970s(in contrast with western propaganda trying to make people beleive that RDC conflicts started in 1994 which is false) After killing more than 1millions Tutsi in the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi, hutu extremists fled to East RDC until today, no one has attempted to disarm them despite MONUSCO troops being present to disarm which the failed to do. Which raises a lot of questions as to why the USA & EU aren't interested in pacification of East RDC and keep sabotaging the Peace Negotiation Initiatives led by Africa Union with help of East Africa/SADECs communities. Important: The USA and some of its NATO lapdogs are again behind the RDC war with the goal to destabilize Uganda/Burundi/Rwanda/Tanzania. USA & former colonialits among NATO want to keep Africa underdeveloped.

  • @1wun1


    Жыл бұрын

    @@boyafrika5748 and most people there hate this rebellion, even if they have the same culture and language.

  • @calebtshik2922
    @calebtshik2922 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you professor for your time and hard work put into this situation. What I didn’t hear being mentioned is the state of siege installed by DRC government a couple of years ago in the provinces neighboring Rwanda thus suffocating its economy that was fed by looted DRC’s minerals. It’s purely an economic war.

  • @nbajikijay4296


    11 ай бұрын

    Agree with you, I believe that this professor is biased or does not master truth about this conflict.

  • @geoffreyking6911
    @geoffreyking6911 Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for the insights into the situation in the DRC. One could argue that you have either knowingly or unknowingly omitted alot of vital information includ9ng but not limited to FDRL (its birth, source of funding, power in the DRC government), Banyamulenge, and Congolese Rwandafone massacres, the ADF, failure by MONUSCO in its mandate, and who really benefits from the chaos in DRC.. theres an African proverb that goes like this 'WHEN TWO BROTHERS FIGHT IN THE COMPOUND, A STRANGER TAKES WHAT S IN THEIR HOUSE'. Kindly find more info, and give a little bit more details (vital details). Thank you

  • @jimmyndahiro


    11 ай бұрын

    You are demanding what he can't afford. There nothing in the video like the route causes of the conflict and how it can be managed.

  • @user-us3mn9wb2i


    3 ай бұрын

    True bro!

  • @patrickverified
    @patrickverified Жыл бұрын

    You explained it clearly and well but only issue is like you kept the west seem being just the judges yet in fact are deeply involved, most of companies extracting minerals from DRC are from The west and China, all global powers are involved, they enjoy these conflicts to avoid proper system so that they can avoid local taxes and keep costs low, this includes kerping weak leaders in power in DR Congo. Rwanda and finds itself in a very hard situation that it only needs to act swiftly and harshly to keep itself safe. So like now, Rwanda has to deploy heavily on the border and sonetimes beyond it to protect its territory, that's why it is regarded as the safest country in Africa despite being located next to the unsafest one.

  • @albertuwumuremyi8444


    9 ай бұрын


  • @zenge.simakoloyi546
    @zenge.simakoloyi546 Жыл бұрын

    Great summary ! A few things missing: the EAC troops deployed to eastern Congo in June last year, the Luanda Procces - which is a road map for the resolution of the conflict. Additionally a couple months ago the the SADC - Southern African Development Community sent troops as well.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you. Great points. It’s always difficult trying to fit everything into these videos, especially without overwhelming someone who may be new to a subject. But this is an exceedingly complex situation, further complicated by the existence of so many different and cross-cutting groups. But thanks again for the further clarifications.

  • @k_g1504


    Жыл бұрын

    @@JamesKerLindsay first of all its not LUANDA and how do you confirm that a small country like Rwanda can demobilise and fight all these troops causing security instability of such a huge nation and still in safe and peacefull at home.???

  • @zenge.simakoloyi546


    Жыл бұрын

    @@k_g1504 yes I did not confuse Rwanda with Luanda. I am referring to the Luanda Process mediated by Jao Lorenco, President of Angola in the capital of Angola - Luanda. Jao Lorenceo last year as mediated a road map for peace in eastern DRC this is in tandem with the Nairobi Procces. I'm not sure what the rest of your comment is asking as I never said anything regarding Rwanda's capabilities .

  • @k_g1504


    11 ай бұрын

    its nice of you being honest but i was just addressing the fact that people these days are taking sides and concluding on political situations that they don't understand or even do videos of stories without enough research of information. lets hope this ignorance dont take a hold of us and pray for those african nations where war is going on. thanks and sorry if you were offended

  • @jeanmichelsarr6040
    @jeanmichelsarr6040 Жыл бұрын

    Western countries were aware of the genocide happening in Rwanda in 1994 but did nothing to stop it, despite articles published by the Red Cross and Doctors without borders. As an African, I would not trust any of these reports by UN "experts". I recently (May 2023) travelled to Rwanda for the International Conference on Learning Representation, a top tier conference in Artificial Intelligence. And I was fortunate enough to talk to Rwandan people about this issue. Their perspective is completely different. According to them, after Kagame and his group won the war against the Hutu armed force, they took refuge in DRC. Rwandan people are concerned because for them, these Hutu armed group (#FDLR) are currently killing Tutsi people living in DRC #InterahamweWazalendo. In conclusion this information is biased toward UN reports and does not represent accurately the nuances of what's happening currently. Best regards, Dr. Jean-Michel Amath Sarr

  • @emilala426


    Жыл бұрын

    😂 Well please tell your rwandan friends that their own ambassador Vincent Karega said that FDLR were defeated after Congo allowed their troops to enter DRC to track them down. Ask them also when was the last attack from the FDLR against Rwanda ? Those old genociders are not a threat to Ruanda anymore and they want to go back. The dangerous one were killed long ago. Congolese people do not understand why Rwanda and UN keep saying that DRC work with them when nobody can justify of any FDLR activity in Rwanda since the 90s. UN does not provide any proof. All we know is that they are a threat to peaceful congolese villagers they steal cows and provoke tensions with farmers. They are involved in trafic of coltan and gold with their rwandans brothers. Rwanda is so concern with FDLR attacking from Congo that they let their frontier wild open. What a joke. The UN is in Congo, the EAC is in Congo, some angolan soldiers are in Congo, troops from eastern Europe are in Congo. No one can find those dead tutsi people. Even Kagame regime don't show any evidence of mistreated tutsi in DRC. The tutsi who live in DRC are being used to push an agenda but it failed. We have evidence about rohingas, ouïghours being persecuted but when it come to the tutsi poof everything disapear smh.

  • @user-vc5qk9tg7u


    Жыл бұрын

    are you kidding, western powers are rubbing their hands with glee, more chaos, more wars, more destructions, africa divided means easy money for the west to steal and l00t, whilst blacks k!ll each other, it is by design.

  • @BA-xi2rf


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for clearing this issue

  • @moussavedastekamana6477


    11 ай бұрын

    Thank you for clarification

  • @user-vc5qk9tg7u


    11 ай бұрын

    needless to say, it is quite clear ALL western created institutions incl UN, WHO, ICC, you name it, ...are all western propaganda tools with MSMs leading the way.

  • @danielc.m6899
    @danielc.m6899 Жыл бұрын

    The rapid increase in demand for electric cars and the majority of the global supply of cobalt and coltan coming from the DRC (mostly Kivu)… it will take a miracle for things not to get worse.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. Yes, this is only going to continue to make matters worse.

  • @tatu8663


    Жыл бұрын

    There is no cobalt in Kivu. It is found in the Katanga copper belt.

  • @ahata7245


    Жыл бұрын

    This video is omitting some facts and root causes like the ongoing Genocide of Tutsi congolese and Hema in East RDC.

  • @ahata7245


    Жыл бұрын

    This so called expert hates Rwanda leadership and is not surprising that he is ignoring some keys factors of the Great Lakes conflicts. This guy in the video seems determined to justify murder/genocide against Tutsi that happened/happening in Rwanda/RDC. Some of this westerner narratives sound like those Western NGOs(backed by western secret services) and are very misleading. 1st, Rwanda(like Burundi Kingdom) was 1000s years old kingdom and was led by Tutsi clans. This westerner narrative claiming that Tutsi royal family was supported by Belgian is also false. Rwanda kings fought fiercely for Rwanda independence until the Belgian colonialists/génocidaires decide to remove/assassinate the Kings of Rwanda. Belgian amplified and supported Hutu extremists that later led to the 1959/1960s/1970s/1980s/1990s Genocides Against Tutsi. M23 and other rwandophone congolese rebels groups are led by congolese Tutsi&rwandophones congolese to defend their own people who are facing Genocide in RDC since 1970s(in contrast with western propaganda trying to make people beleive that RDC conflicts started in 1994 which is false) After killing more than 1millions Tutsi in the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi, hutu extremists fled to East RDC until today, no one has attempted to disarm them despite MONUSCO troops being present to disarm which the failed to do. Which raises a lot of questions as to why the USA & EU aren't interested in pacification of East RDC and keep sabotaging the Peace Negotiation Initiatives led by Africa Union with help of East Africa/SADECs communities. Important: The USA and some of its NATO lapdogs are again behind the RDC war with the goal to destabilize Uganda/Burundi/Rwanda/Tanzania. USA & former colonialits among NATO want to keep Africa underdeveloped.

  • @ezechiel51


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ahata7245if DRC was to commit genocide against the tutsi in Congo, they would have disappeared since it’s independence

  • @Tmb1112
    @Tmb1112 Жыл бұрын

    I didn’t know most of this history. Very interesting stuff. Thanks for the talk.

  • @peterkops6431
    @peterkops6431 Жыл бұрын

    Continuing to learn Prof. You’re a great teacher!!! Australia.

  • @thebeast09876
    @thebeast09876 Жыл бұрын

    I was speaking to a friend of mine in the DRC on a video call, such a beautiful land with nice people.

  • @michealoflaherty1265
    @michealoflaherty1265 Жыл бұрын

    With massive cobalt resources DRC should be looking to a brighter future but has been mired in a continuous war stemming from colonialism. Its absolutely tragic. What exactly Rwanda is doing, risking its hard won stability, by supporting M23 is beyond me.

  • @nebyeelda5862


    Жыл бұрын

    The DRC have 24 trillion dollar worth of minerals but have the poorest people on earth. That's not a mistake it was by design both from western and eastern powers. But mainly it's cause the African leaders governing the country who are some of the richest people in the world are stashing all that cash in foreign banks without investment and keeping the people so poor that a basic investment would satisfy them. So if Rwanda could take in some of that cash and develop its nation it would be a win for Africa and in the long term may be for Congolese people. As for why they would risk it... an external weak enemy is always good for a country cause it keeps the people united. Even if Rwanda doesn't support the M23 the western governments would order Uganda to support the other groups. And if a Congolese government show a democratic tendencies they'll probably be assassinated the next day. So no there won't be any bright future for Congo, at least this century. In fact I believe the only way the Congolese would see light is if the rest of their neighbor's followed Rwanda's lead, conquer the land and divide it among themselves.

  • @michealoflaherty1265


    Жыл бұрын

    @@nebyeelda5862 Thanks for such a great answer. You're dead right. Very sad situation

  • @allex2451


    Жыл бұрын

    #rwandaiskilling in DRC.

  • @nbajikijay4296


    11 ай бұрын

    @@nebyeelda5862 Congolese people know that this and will overcome these ill and criminal plans against us. Western and eastern powers, including Rwanda and Uganda are responsible of chaos in order of looting DRC minerals. Patrice Emery Lumumba and Laurent Desire Kabila did stand up and they were assassinated, there are other congoleses who are standing and will stand to fight these criminals. In your dream, your final thought of conquerors.

  • @bellamytungaelisha9153


    11 ай бұрын

    @@allex2451 where is your accountability.

  • @liat5443
    @liat5443 Жыл бұрын

    The economist Jef Van Bilsen wrote a paper where he formulated that it would take 30 years of gradual independence for the DRC for it to become stable and for an educated middle class and civil service to develop and remove the Belgians. Instead, the DRC was given quick independence due to external pressure and rightful native anger against a colonial government that had exploited the country. Its story is a tale of exploitation from Europe, Asia, big businesses, and even other African nations. I hope one day it can become a stable and democratic country.

  • @hughjass1044
    @hughjass1044 Жыл бұрын

    Thanks so much for putting this together, Professor James. This is the clearest, most comprehensive explanation I've heard of this (these?) conflicts. Learned a lot!

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks so much. It is such an interesting and tragic situation. But there’s a surprisingly complex history behind it. I hoped I could perhaps pull the various strands together. There’s obviously a lot of other elements that I had to miss out (after all there are anywhere between 100-200 groups opening in eastern Congo). But hopefully I helped explain one important element.

  • @hughjass1044


    Жыл бұрын

    @@JamesKerLindsay Indeed you did. Always look forward to finishing up the week with a Professor James video. Always learn something.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын


  • @manzideacon4178


    Жыл бұрын

    This is a biased report nothing profersional, he failed to mention the anti tutsi ideologies which led to the congolese army in integrating FDLR(the perpetrators of the against the tutsi in 1994 Rwanda) in the congolese army FARDC which is one of the main cause for M23 to pick up arms.

  • @proudlyafrican6043


    Жыл бұрын

    @@manzideacon4178​​⁠ stop deceiving people here the anti Tutsi was in Rwanda and Burundi not in Congo you have taken Congolese hospitality for granted and your mission of trying to divide Congo under the pretext of saying that Rwanda land was given to Congo during colonial time will not work another question is why aren’t Hutu making noise about Rwanda land being held by Congo or join rebellion to try and annex kivu but instead it only the Tutsi people who are the one doing all this mess, that victimhood mentality you played in Rwanda will not succeed in Congo and the hima-Tutsi hegemony you are fighting to establish in the Great Lake region will not prevail

  • @FourTetTrack
    @FourTetTrack Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for the video professor!

  • @peterkops6431
    @peterkops6431 Жыл бұрын

    Thanks as always Prof! 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @sarahtmn
    @sarahtmn Жыл бұрын

    DRC case is not complicated. It has too many minerals and a lot of western countries depend on it. War and conflicts will help them get these resources at a lower price.

  • @elani6507


    Жыл бұрын

    I was surprised the professor ignored this point. It’s all about the richness of DRC. The DRC is being pillaged and looted and the Chinese have entered the scene for mining. It’s free for all!

  • @kombemutale7391


    11 ай бұрын

    And the m23 under kagame leadership is being financed by the international community.

  • @ericmpasi7301


    11 ай бұрын

    @@kombemutale7391 Exactly.

  • @shalbec3232


    11 ай бұрын

    That why rwanda is sending m23 to start war but we won't let them survive it easily

  • @eddyschengen1111


    11 ай бұрын

    @@kombemutale7391 of course

  • @simonnzioki5143
    @simonnzioki5143 Жыл бұрын

    Am from Kenya, and our president deployed a contingency force under EAC standby force, onething that is becoming clear is that DR Congo's issue is not that the government forces can't fight but the country is being held hostage by both internal and external players not interested in a stable and prospering nation. It's all about natural resources, the country is cursed.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much Simon. You are absolutely right. I didn’t go into the resource aspect as much as I could. It is always difficult making these short videos on very complex topics. It’s easy to confuse viewers by trying to cram in too much. But I do hope to come back to this.

  • @shalbec3232


    11 ай бұрын

    The kenyan president himself is tutsi rwandese😂 and works with kagame. Your biggest enemies are those that claim to be your brothers like kenya,burundi,rwanda and uganda including france and the u.s

  • @ahmedbashir-vz5tw
    @ahmedbashir-vz5tw Жыл бұрын


  • @happydays5218
    @happydays5218 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for covering the geopolitical situation in this part of the world.

  • @user-fi2fk2ei7o
    @user-fi2fk2ei7o Жыл бұрын

    if i am Congo President i will declared special military operation on Rwanda and declare total mobilization Big Country being bullied by Small nation like Rwanda is humiliating

  • @t.c.4321


    Жыл бұрын

    DRC couldn't mobilise since it is a failed state. I see what you did there... 'special military operation'

  • @user-fi2fk2ei7o


    Жыл бұрын

    @@t.c.4321 we can't have a war in 21st century Whole UN will be so mad and start sanctioning me if i declare war But if i declare it special military operation, most of UN member will look the other way and trade with us like nothing happen

  • @theotherohlourdespadua1131


    Жыл бұрын

    They did that before and it's called "Second Congo War". Due to the size of the DRC and how undeveloped many parts of the country is, they can't possibly invade Rwanda...

  • @patrickverified


    Жыл бұрын

    😂 you don't know the context, despite being small and having small population, Rwanda is very strong militarily, it now the largest African country and the 4th largest troops contributor to the UN alongside very populous countries like India and Bangladesh. With all those claims they are saying about Congo, Rwanda is currently providing military aid to Mozambique and Centrafrique in fighting insurgents(state to state agreements not UN or other international arrangements) are are also planned to provide similar aid to countries in west Africa like Benin where insurgents are also starting to approach its border from neighbouring countries. They literally just liberated a whole province in Mozambique called Cabo Delgado(which is over 8x bigger than Rwanda itself) from insurgents that had taken it over since 2017, in just two months when they deployed back in 2021, they had dislodged the Islamic State group from their strongholds and now have restored peace and order. To give you context, militarily, Rwanda in Africa is like Israeli in the middle East.

  • @JcoleMc


    Жыл бұрын

    Already tried that

  • @sriharshaa3780
    @sriharshaa3780 Жыл бұрын

    This will probably throw a wrench in the future of the East African Federation

  • @ShivamSingh-yu5tt
    @ShivamSingh-yu5tt Жыл бұрын

    Aah Ashes in the morning and video by Prof Lindsay. Nice way to start the weekend eh :(

  • @danielmbusa546
    @danielmbusa546 Жыл бұрын

    I am Congolese and what surprises me is why Rwanda is not judged for the crime committed in the Congo, United Nations reports have come out but without follow-up 6 million and zero justice, this shows how much we live in a world of hypocrites

  • @anonymousnameless1835


    Жыл бұрын

    Rwanda never Killed 6 million Conglese the Aftermath of the Congo 1st war was about 250,000 dead from various causes and the 2nd Congo war the aftermath was about 60000 dead from various reason caused by the war.

  • @chaka11
    @chaka1111 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your efforts but you probably forgot to mention that one of major reasons rwanda may help M23 is FDLR( ex Rwandans military who flew the country to congo after committing genocide) and congo has not been only supported FDLR but also included them in their own military service where they get support and other preparation to invade rwanda and they have already tried different times.

  • @mtoramazani9641


    11 ай бұрын

    You are wrong in your argument! Can you tell us the date, mounth or year where or when Congolese army they have tried to invade or attack rwanda 🇷🇼 ?

  • @chaka11


    11 ай бұрын

    @@mtoramazani9641 well , you probably not enough informed about congo and rwanda history. In 1990 during mobutu regime he sent Congolese troupes to fight in rwanda supporting ex Rwandan government which was doing genocide against their own people and when they lost the war with Rpf he didn't stops there but he chose to continue to support them in congo allowing them to use Congolese land as training, giving them weapons just to be able to invade rwanda and come to finish genocide that wasn't finished yet then you're here denying. Educate yourself brother

  • @mtoramazani9641


    11 ай бұрын

    @@chaka11 kiekie bro you need to know firstly RPF was rebelles groupe which they fighting with the eligible government what are saying leave Congo 🇨🇩 stay in peace enough is enough!

  • @chaka11


    11 ай бұрын

    @@mtoramazani9641 alright, what about helping them after doing genocide in rwanda? Instead of took weapons from them and put them far from Rwanda and congo border as law of refugees says? Congo started supporting them to invade rwanda again and when they got there they even started killing those tutsi Congolese. So , what did you expect from Rwanda government which has to protect Rwandans just to sit here and let those interahamwe comeback and finish up their mission ? If you want peace we will leave in peace but if you want a war as always you leaders singing .bring it on now we're waiting for you

  • @mtoramazani9641


    11 ай бұрын

    @@chaka11 and always you are mensonge to people the fight between rwandaise and rwandaise was starting in 1993 until 1994 and that it didn’t make you rwanda and Uganda all east African countries to invade Congo 🇨🇩 you need to leave us in peace,no hours or days congolese they tried to invade you guys,think about where you are living now!

  • @Walizen
    @Walizen Жыл бұрын

    Congo heart of Africa music art poetry science..if you did not grow up and love Africa you will never know the mysteries and Bolingo of Congo

  • @nut6043
    @nut604311 ай бұрын

    This was very informative - the tension between Rwanda and Congo demonstrating how conflict can manifest in a murky way through the support of insurgent groups. There can be the outright political denial of Rwandan support, but I think the UN's examination points to this worrying undercurrent of military unrest. I think the role of ethnic groups, between the Hutus and the Tutsis can also be explored more in future videos. How different actors take advantage of these irrenconcilable ethnic tensions and how governments can tackle these issues

  • @blackhibiscus1876
    @blackhibiscus1876 Жыл бұрын

    Subscribed. You are thorough in what you do. Impressed.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you very much indeed! I really appreciate it. A very warm welcome to the channel.

  • @juliarichter6987


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@JamesKerLindsay 😮 I will have to watch this again and take some notes🤔.

  • @kamau6988
    @kamau6988 Жыл бұрын

    Amazing work, this story is complex but you broke it down well, as a Kenyan in Kenya I hope peace prevails so that we can all move forward.

  • @manzideacon4178


    Жыл бұрын

    This is a biased report nothing profersional, he failed to mention the anti tutsi ideologies which led to the congolese army in integrating FDLR(the perpetrators of the against the tutsi in 1994 Rwanda) in the congolese army FARDC which is one of the main cause for M23 to pick up arms.

  • @ezechiel51


    Жыл бұрын

    @@manzideacon4178 Liar! He broke it down very well

  • @ezechiel51


    Жыл бұрын

    If WE Congolese had anything against the tutsi u wouldn’t be existing in the Congo since independence

  • @nbajikijay4296


    11 ай бұрын

    @@manzideacon4178 Yes, the report is biased but not on what you indicated about anti tutsi ideologies. Please note that M23 is a rwandese army group part of RDF sent by Paul Kagame. This professor failed to mention many aspects of this conflict and missed to conduct a serious research on Congo-Rwanda growing conflict.

  • @BT-zw2ix


    11 ай бұрын

    @@manzideacon4178 And then recently in Benin, Kagame mentioned the fact that a part of Congo belonged to Rsanda even before the Europeans set foot there. What a laughable statement. It's then no longer antitutsi ideology from the DRC that allowed FDLR people in its soil, its now about revising borders. Who do you think you're going to foul???

  • @FreemanV99
    @FreemanV99 Жыл бұрын

    Patrice Lumumba's brutal and savage assassination at the hand of Belgium would be remembered forever in Africa. R.I.P Lumumba. Talking about DRC and not to mention Patrice Lumumba is itself an act of betrayal and treacherous, to say the least.

  • @karimmaasri1723


    Жыл бұрын

    This is not a history lesson about the DRC, nor a documentary about it independence. So maybe less virtue signaling and less use of dramatic buzz words might serve u better.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    I covered the Congo Crisis in one of my very first videos.

  • @FreemanV99


    Жыл бұрын

    @karimmaasri1723 I don't know what you call this in your world, but in Africa, it is called a brief political history of x country. Instead of trying to impress, why don't you tell us what this is all about then?

  • @karimmaasri1723


    Жыл бұрын

    @FreemanV99 I guess we can blame the Belgians for not leaving a better educational system behind. Obviously, you fail to have an understanding of what things to be included in the brief political history of a country in such context. You would include something that relates to the specific situation of the country that you are to tackle in the rest of the yeah I guess Africa has a lot to catch up to level with the rest of the by taking some responsibility and shedding off the victimhood might be good points to consider.

  • @JcoleMc


    Жыл бұрын

    @@karimmaasri1723 Nor is this a history lesson about Rwanda , yet 6:53 . Patrice Lumumba's assassination is a prominent part of Congo's history , and I don't see why it should be omitted .

  • @LarzGustafsson
    @LarzGustafsson Жыл бұрын

    Great clip. Thank you.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. It was a topic I had wanted to explore for quite some time. But it is just one part of a hugely complex regional situation.

  • @makeracistsafraidagain7608
    @makeracistsafraidagain7608 Жыл бұрын

    Hi Prof James, it has been longtime without commenting on your videos but now I’m back..

  • @ronaldmadziro5679
    @ronaldmadziro5679 Жыл бұрын

    I often watch African insider as they give info on tensions between Rwanda and Congo,the information they give is spot on and backed by receipts. From the look of things,Kagame thinks he can get away with supporting M23,make money from stealing coltan and then systematically deny the obvious. But people in the Congo are readying to fight as they believe Rwanda and Uganda will continue taking advantage of their resources until stoped with force. Qatar was able to defuse the situation since the Emir of Qatar gets along with both leaders,but as long as M23 continues to kill and steal in Eastern Congo,then War will still happen. Anyways,this was a good video,the points were presented and we have to wait and see how tensions will play out.

  • @allex2451


    Жыл бұрын

    100% bravo. You nailed it 💯

  • @yusufkasako1896
    @yusufkasako1896 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you professor for your focus on African issues in a language that is understood by many ! However I am shocked of how you tackled this topic without mentioning Museveni of Uganda 🇺🇬 who is seen as the godfather of Kagame; the longest and brutal dictator in Eastern Africa, in some circles considered to be the ‘manufacturer’ of most conflicts in the region and then going in as a ‘saviour’ used as a puppet of some strong external forces!

  • @user-cg8pz5cc7e


    Жыл бұрын

    He doesn't know anything

  • @sylviamaua745


    Жыл бұрын

    Uganda is most definitely a key player in this conflict: Museveni was ordered to pay $140 million in reparations by ICC for looting DRC's minerals; before Rwandan genocide, Kagame was part of the Ugandan intelligence; Kagame and Museveni had a hand in the plane crash that killed Hutu President Habryamana - the trigger for the Rwandan genocide.

  • @scousebadger0077
    @scousebadger0077 Жыл бұрын

    I truly hope conflict doesn’t break out. Maybe a spotlight on this part of the world might highlight the issue with the mining there.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. You are right. The mining issue is something that I couldn’t really get into. But I would like to return to it in a future video. It is an incredibly important aspect of the situation.

  • @umojapress2857


    Жыл бұрын

    You should hope it does because it's the safest route for Rwanda and Uganda.

  • @FairyCRat
    @FairyCRat Жыл бұрын

    What baffles me most about this is that amidst all this chaos, the 2 countries still hope to join a future federation of all EAC members. I think the DRC and South Sudan will be a huge burden to the other members, I'm not sure why they were even admitted.

  • @the0ne809


    Жыл бұрын

    They obviously aren't ready yet. They should try to join later on.

  • @user-fi2fk2ei7o


    Жыл бұрын

    Even stupider when you take the account that Rwanda and Uganda supporting rebel in Congo It's like Ukraine joining CSTO while being invaded by Russia and Kazakhtan

  • @second2none914


    Жыл бұрын

    Polling from people in the area show there is no interest for an EAF. It’s only really a talking point among westerners.

  • @Yahia08


    Жыл бұрын

    It is the other members that want DRC in, not the way around.

  • @FairyCRat


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Yahia08 Why do they want the DRC in? I guess the massive amount of resources is a plus, but I don't think it's worth the constant tensions.

  • @siphomogale779
    @siphomogale779 Жыл бұрын

    The problem is DRC is rich so everyone wants piece of cake

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. Very true indeed. I didn’t really cover the resource element of the conflict in detail. But I hope to come back to it.

  • @siphomogale779


    Жыл бұрын

    @@JamesKerLindsay you are teaching us for free keep digging for our benefit

  • @Embassy_of_Jupiter
    @Embassy_of_Jupiter Жыл бұрын

    I wonder how all this post-colonial chaos in Africa could have been avoided

  • @polishherowitoldpilecki5521


    Жыл бұрын

    Likely never invading Africa. But Africa was screwed because of all its ethnicities.

  • @simonnzioki5143


    Жыл бұрын

    @@polishherowitoldpilecki5521 Tanzania is the most diverse African country in Africa but they have never had any form of civil tension or war. The problem with Africa is not colonialism as per say but the fact that the European colonialist introduced a predatory political economic system that will sustain the exploitation of Africa, when independence was worn most of Africa went communist in a bid to erode the extractive nature of their socioeconomic structure but we all know what happens when you go communist. The only solution for Africa is focusing in industrialization by adding value to resources instead of exporting them raw, now the problem with this is the biggest losers will be industrialised nations which benefit from the status quo, just imagine what will happen to Israel's diamond cutting industry if Southern African countries started doing it, or what will happen to corporations like Nestlé, and Cadbury if West African nations started selling chocolate instead of exporting cocoa? So, Africa's industrialisation will require a committed and aggressive political organisation that can defend its national interest which unfortunately for Africa it doesn't have.

  • @cocoramazani.7938
    @cocoramazani.793811 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your wonderful job.

  • @labiaJohnken2567
    @labiaJohnken2567 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you Professor James to cover this issue,I'm from Burundi neighbouring the two countries,the ugly truth is that DRC is likely to be defined as failed state,having more than 100 militias,being most corrupt country in the world ,..I mean I can go on and on.M23 just stand out among others,and also never forget some the perpetrators of genocide still walking free in DRC (FDRL or interahamwe to be more accurate).the Scapegoating and hypocrisy of Congolese leader is also a major problem to this situation,they don't take accountability that they failed their own people.most governor in DRC are richer than casual president in the west.take Joseph kabila himself,likely in top 20 billionaire list.M23 is not only proxy,they have a tangible cause though they are being helped by Rwanda,At the same time FARDC (Congolese Army)collaborate with FDLR.8/10 of major problems are Congolese themselves,2/10 comes from outside.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much. Really great points. I think the problem is that many international actors feel that Rwanda’s actions nevertheless destabilise the situation even further. But it’s clear that Rwanda also sees that the continued presence of anti-government insurgents is a legitimate reason for its intervention and support for M23. But it’s clear that Congo does have profound and exceptionally deep-rooted problems.

  • @sakani-b4867


    Жыл бұрын

    I was growing up in Rwanda as one of the refugees from Congo but I told y’all the main problem is 🇺🇳 UN and western companies interfering for the rich of Congo they been in Congo for more than 25 years and achieved nothing in return more minerals mines are being discovered but the killing never stopped us the victims we know the truth Africans we have to wake up to this westerners lies and unite for our ancestors.

  • @nikowabantu6216


    Жыл бұрын

    As a Burundian ,What do you have to say about Rwandan government giving asylum to Burundian putschists ( like general godefroi niyombare,…)?

  • @labiaJohnken2567


    Жыл бұрын

    @@nikowabantu6216 tell me where I'm wrong ,I know how sensitives such subject can be.people see historie in lens of 2 ethnicity in this region, most of time Tutsi will have different position on different issues with Hutu.but facts don't care about your feelings or ethnicity.DRC being corrupt,DRC leader have been failing their people and Rwanda using M23 as proxy to fight against FDLR and other rebellions anti regime are facts .M23 has a tangible cause ,never underestimate the struggle of some people regardless of power that support them.for what u ask,i suspect that Rwanda wanted to destabilise Burundi using the opportunity of "insurrection" that unfolded in 2015,they failed .now ,there are some speculations claiming that Rwanda has agreed to send back those who were responsible of that insurrection in the effort to normalize bilateral relations with Burundi which have been worsen since 2015.

  • @michellekabanga3612


    Жыл бұрын

    Rwanda a country of killers without boarder

  • @macxime4214
    @macxime4214 Жыл бұрын

    If we are talking regarding land that people or animal can live on,then DR Congo is the largest country in Africa. The other country larger than DR congo has a large area of dessert. Hutu and Tutsi never existed in Africa before colonialism, that division created genocide against tutsi in Rwanda and ongoing wars in Eastern DR Congo. UN in Eastern DR congo has been there before I was born, and is still there now, more than 30 years and no wonder no peace has been there since then.

  • @davidakeci9651
    @davidakeci9651 Жыл бұрын

    Rwanda and Uganda didn't put their support behind Laurent kabila. They planned an invasion against congo but, to avoid international condemnations, they invited kabila to the deal, in order to give their invasion and image of rebellion. L. Kabila was finished that he couldn't even have money to pay 10 soldiers.

  • @MrNeversweat


    11 ай бұрын

    That was Bill Clinton's clan that put together and used Kagame and museveni to execute the whole plan

  • @_Zaaier
    @_Zaaier Жыл бұрын

    Thank you!

  • @bantuluba6721
    @bantuluba6721 Жыл бұрын

    As a Congolese man this is real accurate. The only thing I’d correct is that there was two Kabilas that have two significant roles

  • @polishherowitoldpilecki5521


    Жыл бұрын

    What’s your opinion on Rwanda? And it’s attempts to exploit Congo?

  • @bantuluba6721


    Жыл бұрын

    @@polishherowitoldpilecki5521 #CongoIsBleeding & war against them is right at this point

  • @polishherowitoldpilecki5521


    Жыл бұрын

    @@bantuluba6721 You’re not wrong. But all Guerilla groups that have been fighting each other in Congo(Zaire). Should put down their weapons and stop bloodshed and civil war permanently after defeating Rwanda.

  • @congoleseyouthnetworkc.y.n1803


    Жыл бұрын


  • @congoleseyouthnetworkc.y.n1803


    Жыл бұрын

    I agree

  • @willval21
    @willval21 Жыл бұрын

    If you want a good book that goes into detail on the modern state of the DRC and why violence continues to be fueled by local, regional, and international actors, "The War That Doesn't Say Its Name" by Jason K. Stearns does a great job of this. I am finishing it, and the author shows the interests of the governments in Rwanda, Uganda, and even members in the DRC itself (as well as multinational/local actors) that has led to conflicts continuing/fragmenting since the Second Congo War. It's a great read and very accessible.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks so much for the great suggestion. I’ll put it in the readings.

  • @blaisebizimana2062


    Жыл бұрын

    That is right Will. Jason Kearns is a big source of information of this great lakes region war since 1996. His book " Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa" is super amazing. I am speaking here as a Rwandan.

  • @nextinstitute7824


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanx...Very often though, these conflicts boil down to basic issues that can be described in 3 alineas (often containing resources, proxy warfare and religion ...😅). Can you give the concise summary of the book's main findings?

  • @willval21


    Жыл бұрын

    @@nextinstitute7824 sure! Something like this, "Well into its third decade, the military conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been dubbed a “forever war”-a perpetual cycle of war, civil unrest, and local feuds over power and identity. Millions have died in one of the worst humanitarian calamities of our time. The War That Doesn’t Say Its Name investigates the most recent phase of this conflict, asking why the peace deal of 2003-accompanied by the largest United Nations peacekeeping mission in the world and tens of billions in international aid-has failed to stop the violence. Jason Stearns argues that the fighting has become an end in itself, carried forward in substantial part through the apathy and complicity of local and international actors."

  • @neildavid10


    Жыл бұрын

    No conflict in Congo can survive without local support at the highest levels

  • @saint-miscreant
    @saint-miscreant Жыл бұрын

    Compared to five or ten years ago there is even less coverage of the DRC, and the little that is tends to be about how the conflict has not been resolved :/ Rwanda on the other hand, I either hear about it as an African success story or allegations about it destabilising the region. Do you think the Rwandan government will ever curb M23 support in response to international pressure? especially now that it’s one of the forces intervening over in Mozambique

  • @belstar1128


    Жыл бұрын

    They where in the news all the time in the 2000s but now they found out they get more views covering either local issues or thing that involve more powerful countries directly like china or Russia

  • @ahata7245


    Жыл бұрын

    This so called expert hates Rwanda leadership and is not surprising that he is ignoring some keys factors of the Great Lakes conflicts. This guy in the video seems determined to justify murder/genocide against Tutsi that happened/happening in Rwanda/RDC. Some of this westerner narratives sound like those Western NGOs(backed by western secret services) and are very misleading. 1st, Rwanda(like Burundi Kingdom) was 1000s years old kingdom and was led by Tutsi clans. This westerner narrative claiming that Tutsi royal family was supported by Belgian is also false. Rwanda kings fought fiercely for Rwanda independence until the Belgian colonialists/génocidaires decide to remove/assassinate the Kings of Rwanda. Belgian amplified and supported Hutu extremists that later led to the 1959/1960s/1970s/1980s/1990s Genocides Against Tutsi. M23 and other rwandophone congolese rebels groups are led by congolese Tutsi&rwandophones congolese to defend their own people who are facing Genocide in RDC since 1970s(in contrast with western propaganda trying to make people beleive that RDC conflicts started in 1994 which is false) After killing more than 1millions Tutsi in the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi, hutu extremists fled to East RDC until today, no one has attempted to disarm them despite MONUSCO troops being present to disarm which the failed to do. Which raises a lot of questions as to why the USA & EU aren't interested in pacification of East RDC and keep sabotaging the Peace Negotiation Initiatives led by Africa Union with help of East Africa/SADECs communities. Important: The USA and some of its NATO lapdogs are again behind the RDC war with the goal to destabilize Uganda/Burundi/Rwanda/Tanzania. USA & former colonialits among NATO want to keep Africa underdeveloped.

  • @user-uw5li7ju6e
    @user-uw5li7ju6e Жыл бұрын

    I'm proud of the topic

  • @kingjulian1985
    @kingjulian19854 ай бұрын

    Merci James...

  • @pokemon-Go22
    @pokemon-Go22 Жыл бұрын

    *Well, war is very possible because we have become slaves in the country (Rwanda). Dictator Paul Kagame(refugees trafficker) of Rwanda must step down and Congo must defend its sovereignty*

  • @louvendran7273
    @louvendran7273 Жыл бұрын

    I think, before even watching this clip Rwanda who is being praised by the west for their governance & economic policy. I have been calling it BS for a while with many whom disagee with me. The honest truth, is that Africa is consumed by greed, exploitation, authoritarianism & neocolonialism. As long as this exists, Africa can never unshackle herself.

  • @TeeLichtet
    @TeeLichtet Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for your video on the conflict! However, I still don't feel I fully understand, why Rwanda supports these insurgents these days. What's in for them? Is it purely about resources or are there ambitions of unifying the local ethnicities under an expanded Rwandan state?

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. Admittedly, it is a very complex situation. Essentially, Rwanda argues that Hutu anti-government forces are still operating in Eastern Congo. That is why it is fighting there and supports the Tutsi M23 militia. But the broader international argument is that this is further destabilising a highly insecure region and making matters far worse.

  • @ismangirabakunzi519


    Жыл бұрын

    You have to know also fighting region zones is close to Kigali than Kinshasa if you have anti military group rebels there which are against the government of Rwanda it will be hard and complex

  • @Daniel-vs6bb


    Жыл бұрын

    To help the Professor, most parts of Eastern DRC was Rwandan before the first world war. It means that the majority of population who live there are of Rwandan heritage like it happens in many countries. You can learn more about these on Wikipedia. These Eastern DRC regions have even Rwandan names such as Bunagana, Rugari, Rubaya, Karengera, Kitchanga etc... but for many years, these people had not been accepted as Congolese like others. The problem started to exacerbate back in 1959 when the welcomed many Tutsis from Rwanda who were fleeing Hutu persecution of what was called Rwandan revolution. The problem was politicized to mean that all these people of Rwandan culture or of Rwandan heritage are not Congolese. As result, they were denied some rights because they were considered as second class people. The problem became worse after the 1994 genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda when the genocidal regime fled to the DRC with their army, Hutu population which was approximately 3 millions both innocent civilians and Hutu militias that murdered their Tutsi neighbors in Rwanda. They emptied Rwanda and carried anything they could carry with the mission of re-organizing and overthrow the newly established Tutsis government in Rwanda. Arriving in DRC, they found Tutsis population and started killing them in mass and many fled to neighboring countries but mainly in Rwanda. To cut the story short, since 1994 these Hutu militias (FDRL)still have strong holds in Eastern DRC where not even the DRC Army can go and for many years these militias have been used by the DRC officials for own interest( Mining and other political interests). Since 1994, these Hutu militias have been teaching their ideology allover the region that Tutsis are evil and the source of all problems in DRC that they should be killed. These days, FDRL(Hutu militias) have made collision with the many Congolese militias and the DRC army to fight the M23 mainly Tutsis accusing them to be Rwandan or work with Rwandan government. Although, there is no evidence of Rwanda supporting the M23 rebels, but It would be foolish for Rwanda to wait for FDRL exterminate all Tutsis because the main objective of these people is to overthrow the Kigali regime that they call the Tutsi government.

  • @amosmunezero9958


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@JamesKerLindsayinteresting, but i think there was a time where Rwanda and Congo had agreement for Rwandan forces to in and root out the FDLR, so what happened, couldnt they finish the job or there is something else, it is more complicated than that indeed

  • @amosmunezero9958


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@Daniel-vs6bbmost of Eastern DRC was what? Where did you get that info, the hutus and Tutsi combined are not even 10% there, are Webembe, wavira, waBwari, etc tribes Rwandans? Last time i cheked that is the original region, so stop spreading false information. The region needs truth and reconcilation among all groups including the minority hutus and Tutsis, in fact the hutus and tutsi are not all from Rwanda, some were part of Burundi and Tanzania. I dont know why no one is complaining about Burundi

  • @canarassavas
    @canarassavas Жыл бұрын

    I was looking a video about this subject, it’s excellent as always. Will you prepare a video about Kurds in middle east? Thank you professor 🙏

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. Yes, I hope to cover this at some point.

  • @danielc.m6899
    @danielc.m6899 Жыл бұрын

    Is that the same United Kingdom that wants to send its asylum seekers to Rwanda? @13:05

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Indeed. And don't think I didn't notice that too!

  • @patrickverified


    Жыл бұрын

    but Rwanda is very safe even safer than most of European countries and US. The conflict is in DRC, across the border.

  • @danielc.m6899


    Жыл бұрын

    @@patrickverified So they say, but they also say they don’t support the M23… Who is crossing the border to drive the conflict? We cannot expect Rwanda to be a place of safety while also implicating them as responsible for the ongoing death and displacement of thousands. They don’t go together.

  • @rasitaragun2768
    @rasitaragun2768 Жыл бұрын

    This is an interesting topic, but it feels like, for some reason, it is on one side of the coin. What are the root causes that brought m23 and other armed groups into existence? I understand from the UN report that there is largely insecurity and discrimination, and the national army operates alongside some classified terrorist groups such as fdrl and mai-mai to name a few and funds them while also being behind that discrimination agenda!

  • @BT-zw2ix


    11 ай бұрын

    M23 is just a pretext from Rwanda to occupy the rich provinces in Eastrrn Congo. They claim that since almost 30 years, FDLR members fled among Hutu refugees and are still hiding in Congo and could some day reorganize and come back to Rwanda to destabilize the Tutsi regime in Kigali. However, 30 years after that genocide which Congo had absolutely nothing to do with, if those FDLR were there, those people haven't aged? Ahven't died? Didn't get sick??? And more to Kagame stupidity and cowardice becausenits out of fear that those M23 are in Congo killing causing mayheim, Kagame recently in Benin just talked about revising the borders between the DRC stole Rwandan land after the Berlin Conference, adding some clarity to what his real motives are regarding the Eastern Congo. But Congolese people are determined and they are silently organizing and won't let Kagame foolishness happen.

  • @michaelpacifique3017
    @michaelpacifique3017 Жыл бұрын

    I am Congolese, but I believe you failed to mention the Rwandan side of the story where they mostly claim that the DRC has been supporting the FDLR (this was in the UN report) or that there has been a rise in hate speech (yes, this is definitely true) and hate crimes targeted at ethnic minorities close to Rwanda (I have not seen real evidence of this being the case, only some pictures online but nothing verified). Personally, I don't understand why Rwanda supports the M23, and why the M23 claims to protect people while there have been reports from international organizations that they have committed war crimes. The past history is well known, and I believe most people who would watch this video already know it, so you could have investigated what different sides are claiming and what is happening on the ground. In the end, this video feels like a reading of a headline.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. I did note that the presence of anti-government groups operating in the region is driving Rwanda's actions. But it also needs to be recognised that its actions in the region are highly destabilising and setting back efforts to secure the area. In other words, would it need to act if it wasn't undermining wider international efforts to tackle insurgents in the region? It's a huge mess, and it's clear that the UN and key member states see Rwanda's actions as making matters worse, not better.

  • @patrickverified


    Жыл бұрын

    What you have to know from now onwards is that those international reports are mostly wrong, their aim is to keep fuelling the conflict and white washing to hide western and global powers' roles in this conflict. UN itself is deeply involved in the conflict, people who speak local languages understand this. Just know that the peace in DRC would be a win for the region and DRC itself but a bad news to the west, because of their benefits of conflict zone minerals, that they make sure to build a narrative which in this case Rwanda would be a great scapegoat, just see the new M23 conflict returned after Rwanda and DRC signed agreements to extract and process minerals locally together and co invest in energy projects which would leave the region energy sufficient, then boom, M23 came from no where, I'll give you a hint, the west approached Congolese leaders and bribed them to sabotage the deals, that's how we got here, then Rwanda and Uganda might have found a better way to result M23. Rwanda is a great scapegoat but to enlighten you, there are more than 140 known armed groups in Eastern DRC, all those atrocities UN puts on M23 are not even 20% of what armed groups like CODECO do, just put CODECO or FDLR in google and see how many civilians they kill in just one attack to a village, these are local armed groups which the government supports or at least people in the government support with weapons, logistics...M23 doesn't do as much atrocities as UN or DRC government claim, just read their reports thoroughly, you will see that these accusations are merely made up with no factual thing to back them. Just check how western media and UN are now only focused on M23 and blaming everything on it yet it hasn't been active between 2013 and 2020, but the conflict and the crisis in Eastern DRC was their, CODECO could kill a whole village and nothong is asked who backs them, what do they want and all this kind of scrutiny that they're putting on M23.

  • @ThisNinjaSays_


    Жыл бұрын

    @@JamesKerLindsay on the 27 of June this year, an EU technology delegation was held a Invest in Rwana summit. The US and EU know exactly what they're doing by backing Dictator Kagame.

  • @yawos9024


    Жыл бұрын

    You are Rwandan impersonating a Congolese. Kagame is the problem. That pithy imp!

  • @sarahtmn


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@yawos9024lol! I was about to write this! He is a Rwandese claiming to be Congolese. Look how he wrote this! They really think we are stupid!!!

  • @davidakeci9651
    @davidakeci9651 Жыл бұрын

    The problem of the drc is the minerals it has. That's is it and nothing else. Many countries have a lot in this, including the Belgium

  • @thebestleader6954
    @thebestleader6954 Жыл бұрын

    Uganda is as bad as Rwanda in the Conflict...

  • @DavidNosiri
    @DavidNosiri Жыл бұрын

    no more wars. 🙏

  • @spy_balloon


    Жыл бұрын

    No war no loot ~ Western neocon

  • @user-vc5qk9tg7u


    Жыл бұрын

    not gonna happen, U$UKEUNUTO are funded by wars, the most profitable of all businesses.

  • @em4703
    @em4703 Жыл бұрын

    Would love a take in a similar style of the future France civil war.

  • @nevillemuamba8318
    @nevillemuamba8318 Жыл бұрын

    If the western countries could remove their hands in Congo, this war would stop, especially France

  • @aeliusmaximusdecimusmeridius21
    @aeliusmaximusdecimusmeridius21 Жыл бұрын

    I truly love your videos doctor. So helpful and informative. Can you cover the South sudan conflict please ?

  • @brianfoley4328
    @brianfoley4328 Жыл бұрын

    "Another War" I believe the title should read "still at war". The Congo (or Zaire if you will) has been a dumpster fire since it gained independence. I will trot out my same old lament about tribalism. The Congo suffers from a evolutionary problem that every culture has gone through...progressing through the cultural developments of tribalism through city-state, then national identity and political sophistication. Developing a modern economy requires a stable governing system (no one with any brains will invest hard currency into an unstable environment). In a perverse twist of logic, the upside in the Congo debacle, is that no one has been able to solve the problem; not the US or the Russians or the EU or the UN...not all of them together can solve what's wrong with the Congo. So it isn't a failure of a particular political philosophy or economic's a internal problem that only the people of the Congo can solve.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Exactly. I make just this point in the conclusion. It’s a war that has really ended. But in the Congolese way, it is an extremely messy and complex situation. Tragic doesn’t even begin to summarise the region’s history!

  • @waynesampson7185


    Жыл бұрын

    Don't you think with all these nations combined are the biggest cause of the conflict? There is proof of this? Also the insinuation that these countries aren't intelligent enough to resolve their own internal issues is very disturbing

  • @brianfoley4328


    Жыл бұрын

    @@waynesampson7185 There's a great axiom that goes "The proof of the pudding is in the eating". Essentially a folky way of saying you judge something by the end product, that the process is less important than the final product. Facts are facts and sometimes the truth is uncomfortable. If you disagree...prove me wrong.

  • @Bigwillystyle707


    Жыл бұрын

    Maybe the reason the EU US Russia and the lot can't Solve this is becaus thier corporations are a big part of the problem. Not to take away blame from Congo leaders but alot of what fuels the violence is the resources the Congo has. This post is an example of a typical "western" view of Congo as a hopeless tribal warfare place without nuance. (I guess Europe wars should be called tribal warfare as we are currently fighting a war between tribes of Ukrianians and Russians).

  • @brianfoley4328


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Bigwillystyle707 Stated like someone with no grasp of History. Can't seriously believe that the Congolese aren't the biggest impediment to the Congo/Zaire moving from a state of constant rebellion and war. It's easy to blame corporations or former colonists, but by doing that you are essentially saying is Congolese are children that need adult supervision. What the Congo needs is to rally around a central government concept, clean up their corruption and get back some reputation that investment in the Congo is relatively safe. Until they can do that (on their own) they stand the same chance as a snowball rolling through the jungle. Only the Congolese can save the Congo...anything else is just another form of colonialism.

  • @naveershain
    @naveershain Жыл бұрын

    Please make a series of videos on the Internal groups i.e. NATO, SAARC, G20 and many more.

  • @sisanjikelana856
    @sisanjikelana856 Жыл бұрын

    When you say DRC was not prepared for its independence, what do you mean essentially and in detail?

  • @waynesampson7185
    @waynesampson7185 Жыл бұрын

    Maybe if they nationalize their resources with the A.U. military support These wars would end?

  • @Omer1996E.C


    Жыл бұрын

    Rwanda doesn't want to lose its economic advantage

  • @davidishimwe6855
    @davidishimwe6855 Жыл бұрын

    Dear Prof Ker-Lindsay, thank you for finally covering the insecurity in eastern DRC. Nevertheless, more in-depth disclosure of the roots of the problem would be helpful, given the multiplicity of factors of the insecurity in that region. Concerning the conflict between the M23 and the government of DRC and how it relates to Rwanda, explaining its roots embedded in the long-lasted persecution of the Kinyarwanda-speaking population of DRC in general and the Tutsi of DRC mainly is indispensable. Would you complete this session by discussing that crucial problem?

  • @johnakimana1134


    Жыл бұрын

    The cause is simple.. primitiveness of Africans. 60+ years after the so-called independence and still killing their own citizens, it's utter ridiculous. We always blame Europe and USA for our own stupidity.

  • @congoleseyouthnetworkc.y.n1803


    Жыл бұрын


  • @delphinmutaka8145


    Жыл бұрын

    Hey David, please don’t use those kind of diversions here. The world and you know very well that Kagame is using you to destabilize Drc.

  • @johnakimana1134


    Жыл бұрын

    @@delphinmutaka8145 DRC is over 90 times the size of Rwanda. They're all poor African countries, it's not that Rwanda is a European country maybe. How can such a tiny country instablise such huge country. Congo can recruit enough soldiers as many as the whole Rwandan entire population, why don't they do it ?? It has stupid leaders, the country has no clear administrative units, has no organised army or police. The rebels use advantage of such stupidity. Don't blame others for nothing.

  • @nbajikijay4296


    11 ай бұрын

    Please spare the world with this narrative of anti tutsi, it won't work anymore.

  • @edwardblair4096
    @edwardblair4096 Жыл бұрын

    One classic example of a civil war that spills out to its neighbors is the French Revolution and the following Napolianic Wars.

  • @ShivamSingh-yu5tt
    @ShivamSingh-yu5tt Жыл бұрын

    A video on the France riots would be helpful :(

  • @user-gr7wd4kg3e
    @user-gr7wd4kg3e Жыл бұрын

    Interesting to note that M23 works in same area as ADC, a Ugandan insurgent group based in the Kivus that recently stepped up to an attack inside Uganda. Chaos in the DRC will inevitably bring in outside parties, just as the power vacuum in the eastern Congo has drawn in opponents to those outside powers. But so long as it is more profitable for MONUSCO to complain & write reports than actually do something & step in to protect communities, any communities at all-- nothing is likely to change. Chaos benefits Kinshasa, because they don't want legitimate political power in the east-- it is guaranteed to oppose them. It benefits UN member states stnding troops-- that per diem is great, and no militia is prone to killing SOLDIERS. It benefits, in a way, Kampala & Kigali-- gives them a place to fight ADC & FDLR with proxies & militias, not troops-- spillage is a lot less likely when it is just militia against militia. And ut even benefits China & corporations, who pay for security they'd need even if the area was at peace, but other than that just about nothing for the mines... Impossible for anyone to negotiate with them. So win-win for everyone but the actual people on the ground, who die in droves at the hands of everyone. A 'stable' conflict, if you don't have to live there.

  • @ahata7245


    Жыл бұрын

    You are spreading fake news body! Learn geography 1st before spreading nonsense. M23 is a self defense militia which operates only in Rucuru/Masisi, North Kivu, and are made of Tutsi/Hutu from Rucuru/Masisi a region predominantly inhabitated by Hutu in North Kivu Twirwaneho/Gumino are also Tutsi led self-defense militia which operates in South Kivu and claim to defend Tutsi Banyamulenge from Genocide. First of all, learn how to spell "ADF" which is a Muslim led rebels group fighting against Museveni and want to install Sharia Laws in Uganda. These ADF have been genociding Hema ethnic group(distant cousins of Tutsi and Hima) in total impunity. ADF in Ituri, RDC is predominently made of local ethnic groups like Nande...

  • @user-gr7wd4kg3e


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ahata7245 First, you're correct, it is ADF, not ADC. Allied Democratic Forces. I was wrong. Second, understand -- I, too, want to see the ADF defeated, or at least not a danger to the community... Both in the DRC and in Uganda. You're right, they are attacking with impunity, it is a problem. I also want to see ALL communities inside the DRC protected... I want to see groups like M23 disappear or be incorporated into the FARDC, and the FARDC really protecting ALL the peoples within its borders. But that is... Unfortunately less likely than I think either of us would wish. Until folks all across the region can feel safe within their own borders and militias no more than community police, the job is not done. Folks in Goma need to feel as safe as in Phoenix. The chaos in the Kivus, across the northeast DRC in general, is a tragedy and shame upon all of us. It is also, unfortunately, well within the comfort zone of the elites in all the regional capitals. It is fundamentally stable, because any move away from it is a problem & risk for those well outside the region and comfortable. Including me, for that matter, Westerners in general, the UN, and the like... Efforts at 'resolving' the situation all too often have just meant containing the damage & death & destruction to an area outside of what we feel comfortable visiting... And that is, in many ways, the worst crime of all, that we can and do ignore it. I pray that in the next generation there will be an accounting of those of us who for so long ignored the situation... Because that will mean things have improved to the point where we can heal rather than just stop the bleeding.

  • @rutagumirwarwabusisi7923


    Жыл бұрын

    @@user-gr7wd4kg3e FARDC is a corrupted Army that’s why M23 defected from it To create Congolese revolutionary Army(M23) FRDC doesn’t protects its citizens they instead oppress some of them especially the Banyarwanda of kivu Which is the first reason M23 rebel against FRDC The Kinshasa government doesn’t care about its eastern people M23 will set a good leadership But mostly they want peace

  • @nbajikijay4296


    11 ай бұрын

    Please note that the previous regime of DRC (with president Joseph Kabila) was dancing Tango with Rwanda (president Paul Kagame). In contrast, the current president of DRC, Felix Tshisekedi does not. Felix Tshisekedi is doing his best to end this conflict.

  • @rutagumirwarwabusisi7923


    11 ай бұрын

    @@nbajikijay4296 Felix is far from trying to end it When M23 returned to congo in 2017 they were living in Sarambwe then President Tnshisekedi himself called them to Kinshasa they were there for 14 months Ofc they were planning something with Felix but he also turned on them and in about late 2021 he started attacks against them in sarambwe and that’s when M23 retaliated and the fights started. Also let’s notes that There are more than 100 murderous Armed groups in Congo who are actually Kinshasa Allies who kills civilians everytime but the government doesn’t say anything about it or do anything about it.

  • @tebogopekane1418
    @tebogopekane1418 Жыл бұрын

    It's the minerals. That's the problem.

  • @Aussie-Mocha
    @Aussie-Mocha Жыл бұрын

    Gees 😢! That’s tragic! I’m curious about the sources of the weapons? US? Wagner PMC? Other?

  • @tiredox3788
    @tiredox3788 Жыл бұрын

    So why a lot of people haven't called the recent conflict in Sudan a civil war? Because two factions fighting each other in the country.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks. There’s a really interesting question about when we start calling a situation a civil war. It isn’t clear when that happens. I remember Syria. It was actually quite a while before the disturbances were openly called a civil war. That could be happening in Sudan. It’s factional fighting. But has it crossed into a civil war yet?

  • @user-fi2fk2ei7o


    Жыл бұрын

    it will be North Sudan and Central Sudan

  • @benonwatch5836
    @benonwatch5836 Жыл бұрын

    Well it's clear that Congo doesn't want to integrate Kinyarwanda-speaking communities the m23 into the national army, as long as this is not addressed eastern congo banyamulenge will always fight for their rights.

  • @iradukundaissa1591


    Жыл бұрын

    But this clown won't understand the real problem, all he do is propaganda by marking Rwanda as threat😢

  • @Congowillprevail243


    Жыл бұрын

    Banyamulenge are in the army. Also M23 are mainly tutsi from the province of North kivu. Banyamulenge are tutsi from South kivu.

  • @tatu8663


    Жыл бұрын

    Tutsis are actually overrepresented in the national security apparatus, from the officer corps to the intelligence services. This is a hold over phenomenon resulting from the first rwando/ugandan invasion and takeover of the DRC in 1997 and subsequent peace deals over the years. Many are NOT congolese and are loyal to Rwanda which naturally causes distrust. No country in the world would accept such a situation.

  • @ramathanabdallah6493


    Жыл бұрын

    Stop lying....It's about stealing minerals and occupying easten Congo.... And this is supported and funded by Us and UK governments using Rwanda

  • @allex2451


    Жыл бұрын

    Banyamulenge is made up term. There is no Tutsi tribe or something in DRC. All those are refugees who tend to think Congolese forgot that… well those tutsi better go back to rwanda and stop creating something from nothing ´.

  • @GM-Media
    @GM-Media Жыл бұрын

    Congo have over 405 tribes and none of them ever started a war in the country only this refugee tustsi who forced themselves to be called Congolese these M23 and I’ll never be Congolese and believe it or not Rwanda will pay for this for a long time .

  • @AP.lovetoAll
    @AP.lovetoAll Жыл бұрын

    🤔🤨 📚📖 HOW can you say “the hope is, international pressure” can intervene when it’s the outside regions / colonizers that are behind the divide and conquer proxy wars? ‼️🤔🤨 It’s obvious what’s going on and what’s / who’s the issue. Beyond the surface of cloudy perception / concept, is the clear truth and solutions. Be proactive people, for Africa to unite VIA AFRICANS ‼️ From NYC, love to all. Bless.

  • @khommusir8479
    @khommusir8479 Жыл бұрын

    Dear James! I don't know if you did it knowingly or unknowingly but you missed 2 crucial components in your exposé: 1. You didn't mention the FDLR which is the remnant of the genocidal forces who are operating in eastern DRC and are in major part at the root causes of the instability as they have exported the genocide ideology to Congo and are reported to being supported by the Congolese government even in the reports you mentioned 2. You didn't talk about the Kinyarwanda speaking communities who largely comprises the M23 and how they're being denied citizenship though they found themselves in Congo after Berlin conference Please address unbiasedly the root causes of the problem! Thanks

  • @Jadot7
    @Jadot7 Жыл бұрын

    You missed two critical points: 1. The collaboration between the Congolese government and the FDLR (The Rwandan rebels accused of committing the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda) reported in the same UN report. 2. The persecution of the Congolese Rwandophones who have been denied citizenship and are now living in refugee camps across the region. They have been fighting for their right to return home.

  • @zitaaureliae4468


    Жыл бұрын

    all of this is false

  • @inkinditv5475


    Жыл бұрын

    That's the main key of those conflicts

  • @emilala426


    Жыл бұрын

    😂1. When was the last time FDLR was a threat to Rwanda? Vincent Karega said the FDLR were defeated. Kagame doesn't want to take thoses old murderers back now you guys are accusing DRC of working with the old zombies smh. Working with them to do what exactly? The UN has not given any evidence of their activites in Rwanda backed by Congo. However DRC has provided plenty of drone pictures of RDF leaving Rwanda to join M23 terrorists. Well, they will continue to die in shame and be fertilizer for the luxurious Kivu land. 2. In DrC citizenship is not aquired collectively. You can not wake up and make yourself a new tribe. It is a falsification of our history. Anybody who wants to get citizenship can ask to the administration. Angolan, belgian, libanese, chineses, senegalese, tchadian people have citizenship they don't create a new tribe name every year. They respect the country, the law, customs and history. Your parents or grand-parents were brought by belgian government as the "transplanted of Ruanda-Urundi". They were never congolese. Mobutu allowed them to become zaïrois collectively wich was against the Constitution. That's the only reason it was revoked. Nobody has forbidden banyarwanda to acquire the congolese nationality. Just do it as an individual procedure. If you have not actively participated in terrorist activities and violated the law it will be easy to get it. If you are a member of M23 or such groups just forget about it and thank Kagame because he is the one that put you in this mess. Rwandans were doing fine in the early years of Mobutu. Then they tried to be more congolese than the locals and some joined armed groups to kill congolese. We can deal with congolese traitors but not neighbours that we treated as brothers. Congolese will NEVER forget.

  • @ericmpasi7301


    Жыл бұрын

    It's all fake!

  • @nathanvladmir5554
    @nathanvladmir5554 Жыл бұрын

    As a Congolese from the Eastern DRC Im happy theres someone telling the truth, but you haven't told it fully. 1. Theres never been a Tutsi tribe in Congo those are refugees who came to Congo in the mid 60s and 90s. 2. The 2018 results were not fair, Joseph Kabila signed a deal and created a secret coalition with Felix and stole votes from Martin Fayulu. 3.The Rwandan army is suported by the US and Britain in order to control critical supply of coltan( used in cellphones, tvs, cars etc), gold, diamonds and rubies. 4. Rwandas end goal is to displace ethnic Congolese from these strategic regions and place Tutsis and later claim independence or annex those areas. 5. I currently live in Eswatini 🇸🇿 which is almost the same size as Rwanda and it has 1.2 million people. Rwanda is densely populated with very little resources and Kagame has always said that Rwanda is not sufficient for Rwandans. Half of Rwanda's budget is from aid. 6. Rwanda is Africa's top coltan producer, Uganda and Rwanda are one of Africa's top gold and diamond producers, this isnt possible because it would mean that the whole of Rwanda is a mine. 7. This is a proxy war created for the benefit of Western corporations and Rwanda is just doing the dirty work for them and doesn't get sanctioned or faces the consequences. 8. Did you know the DRC is the only country in the world that is facing a war, but has an arms embargo since 1996 which made it difficult for Mobutu to fight until his removal in 1997 and is still affecting us till today as we can't buy arms to fight Rwanda and Uganda because the security council has refused to lift those embargos. 9. Did you know the DRC foreign and defence ministers(1997 to 2000) Bizima Karaha and James Kabarebe(Current top level army commander in Rwanda) are those who brokered most of these deals. 10. Te soldiers that were annexed into the Congolese army from rebel groups are mainly Tutsis from Rwanda who serve as intelligence assets for Rwanda and Uganda in Congo.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much for the comments and clarifications. I really appreciate it. This is one of the reasons I really like making these video. Unlike many other channels, I get really interesting and helpful comments that add so much to the background. Your comments will help viewers get a better sense of the situation.

  • @nathanvladmir5554


    Жыл бұрын

    @@JamesKerLindsay thank you sir I'm glad you covered it because conventional media doesn't cover this topic.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    @@nathanvladmir5554 Thank you again. Yes, this is why I wanted to take a look at it. It is incredibly important, and tragic. And it just doesn’t get enough attention. This is what I hope to with the channel more generally. Look at issues that don’t get the coverage they need and deserve.

  • @nathanvladmir5554


    Жыл бұрын

    @@JamesKerLindsay have you covered the Mozambique jihadists?

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    @@nathanvladmir5554 Thanks. Yes. I did a video on it when the issue first arose. I will perhaps do an update on it. That, of course, also involved Rwanda.

  • @UKR236
    @UKR236 Жыл бұрын

    Rwanda is the aggressor both are my neighbors I can give you the best information on the ground

  • @user-gr7wd4kg3e
    @user-gr7wd4kg3e Жыл бұрын

    Good video, wish there was greater interest in the violence there. Apocalyptic levels of volcanos & choking gas clouds from the lake & particularly cinematic violence are what it takes to get Western news interest in this region, so only local players really take notice... And they all have an interest in the violence simmering. Hope easy explainers like this can lower the attention cost of following events in the Great Lakes region. Maybe if there was a community as intetested in hearing about violence in the Kivus as in Darfur more could be done. Wouldn't take much... the UN troops are there, plus AU RTF, just need mandate & someone holding them accountable for *accomplishing* something. Thank you.

  • @danbolamu7207
    @danbolamu7207 Жыл бұрын

    Nice video. The war is above all wanted by the population itself. they say: If Felix was a real president, he would have already declared war on Rwanda, to avenge all our brothers who are dying because of Rwanda. several requests have been made by politicians but it is the government that refuses; to avoid possible financial and other problems.

  • @kagoma2592
    @kagoma2592 Жыл бұрын

    3 Million Hutus in Rwanda. 10 Million Bantus in Congo. Killed by the same Ethjic supremacist Tutsi militias. This started in Oct 01,1990. Remember. Hutus stand with our Congolese brothers & sisters whose generosity has been punished.

  • @florisgast1853
    @florisgast185311 ай бұрын

    Thank you for this insightful video professor. Despite looking into the situation through some traditional outlets, you have again shed light on many ignored aspects and facets of the crisis. Although a brief 13-minute video, it was an incredibly rich one.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    11 ай бұрын

    Thank you so much. This is an extraordinarily complex situation. And I could only tackle one part of it - albeit an incredibly important one. I hope to return to it in another video. But thanks so much again for the kind comment. I really appreciate it. Have a good week.

  • @1001Balance
    @1001Balance Жыл бұрын

    A question. Many of the atrocities in freestate are the consequence of having appointed private companies to rule parts of the state, exploiting local population. Was freestate the only place where this was done? Comparing to French and British controlled areas?

    @PAVANZYL Жыл бұрын

    The situation in the DRC is vastly more complicated than Hutus vs Tutsis. You give the impression that those are the only relevant languages but there are 200 languages in that sad country. Also, there were two presidents Kabila. Laurent Kabila was murdered and Joseph, his son, succeeded him. It would probably have been better for all if Katanga got its independence in1961, but that is pure speculation on my part.

  • @nbajikijay4296


    11 ай бұрын

    Please note that Joseph Kabila (his real name is Hypolite Kanambe and he is rwandese) is not the son of Laurent Desire Kabila.

  • @patricklebeau9365
    @patricklebeau9365 Жыл бұрын

    You got something wrong. In DRC, we don't have people called tutsi Congoleses. These people are Tutsis from Rwanda and they live in DRC.

  • @Untrus
    @Untrus Жыл бұрын

    Hey James I’m not sure if you have been following the situation in Bosnia recently but what do you think the end goal here is for Dodik? He has recently passed laws questioning the legitimacy of the constitutional court of BiH and saying that any further rulings will not take effect in the territory of republika srpska he has further more said that he is going all the way with separating Srpska from Bosnia and joining it with neighboring Serbia also threatened with establishing border checkpoints on the entity boundaries as far as I can remember I have never seen the situation here be this messy and confrontational since the end of the war and I’ve been back in Bosnia since 2006 also SNSD, HDZ and SDP just recently had a meeting to discuss the recent rulings of the National Assembly of republika srpska against Bosnias constitutional court and the situation got so bad that they nearly attacked each other when dodik was asked how he can continuously keep doing things like this knowing how fearful residents in srebrenica are due to the past to which he replied F srebrenica and the Genocide to which the other politicians cursed his mother and nearly came to blows thankfully the situation was calmed down… also do you believe since Kosovo got their independence from Serbia or at least administer their own territory we Bosnian Serbs deserve the same it just seems unfair to us that there is a double standard here…

  • @terryoppong4420
    @terryoppong4420 Жыл бұрын

    It is very sad that a country sitting on 20 trillion in natural resources have citizens in poverty.

  • @kizaaminirukebuka3834
    @kizaaminirukebuka3834 Жыл бұрын

    Why don't you ask yourself why Rwanda support M23? M23 is composed by Rwandans soldiers and few corrupt Congolese,so why should our country integrate these foreign fighters into our Army? And why does Rwanda wants the intergration of its nationals into the DRC's army? We the Congo people will fight to our last breath for the unity of our country.

  • @chepchilat
    @chepchilat Жыл бұрын

    Congo is being disabilized by US and EU. So you want to tell us Rwanda (Kagame) killed Patrice Lumumba? You are just an mbumbavu. Nyamaza kumbafu hii.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    Жыл бұрын

    Bizarre comment.

  • @chepchilat


    Жыл бұрын

    @@JamesKerLindsay Africans are woke and we know our enemies.

  • @deobiho
    @deobiho4 ай бұрын

    good job. true history. well wrote.

  • @JamesKerLindsay


    4 ай бұрын

    Thank you very much!

  • @deobiho


    4 ай бұрын

    @@JamesKerLindsay you are welcome.

  • @pz4336
    @pz4336 Жыл бұрын

    Tshisekedi’s accession to power was all but free and fair unfortunately
