Cardamom (Elaichi) Aromatic & Refreshing Tea

*Cardamom also known as "elaichi" in many South Asian languages*, is a spice with a distinct, sweet, and aromatic flavor. It is commonly used in various cuisines and beverages, including tea. Cardamom tea, often referred to as elaichi tea, is a popular and refreshing beverage enjoyed in many cultures.
✅ You can add a slice of ginger for a hint of spiciness.
✅ A dash of honey can be used as a natural sweetener.
✅ Experiment with black or green tea varieties to find your preferred base.
Cardamom tea is not only flavorful but also offers potential health benefits associated with cardamom, such as *digestive aid and antioxidant properties*. It's a delightful beverage to enjoy on its own or with your favorite snacks.
