Canoeing the ardeche river part 2:the crash


in this video, you'll se that although quite a "tame " river in the lower regions, some of the rapids are a bit tricky if you dont know them. A helmet as well as the obligatory life vest might be worth considering..especially if you have kids with you. There were a couple of families more or less taking the rapids at the same time.... I was the only one who crashed...I think they had done it before. Anyway the rapids in question were the "Toupine du Gournier"...a rather nasty little affair with large rocks in midstream...better to get to the right than the left going in....oh well, perhaps next time. Music courtesy of " The flying ferkle brothers" at least 2 of them. See my other video of this music piece , with my old schoolmate Jamie no legs Evans in the background giving a nice groove.

