🐟 Canal du Vassé | Drying out with flexible cofferdams on an embankment dyke

Ғылым және технология

Fusible device to retain the water of Lake Annecy | Innovative drying technique: flexible cofferdams Water-Gate© on an embankment dyke.
Lake Annecy is the second largest lake of glacial origin in France (2650 hectares) and is located in a geological fault. The last glacier that occupied it withdrew 15,000 years ago at the end of the Würm ice age. The "blue lake" is fed by numerous streams and a sub-lake spring. Its level can vary by more than one metre depending on the climatic conditions. The lake has two outlets that cross the town of Annecy: the Thiou and the Vassé canal.
The objective of the work is twofold:
1) Reconstruction of the Albert Lebrun bridge, built in 1936 and no longer meeting current traffic standards
2) Installation of an automatic flap valve to facilitate regulation of the lake levels
Major efforts have been made over the last few decades to restore the ecological quality of the lake's waters.
Regulations govern work carried out on watercourses (Water Law and Environmental Code). These environments are fragile and the absence of precautions or their poor implementation can lead to significant damage to the fauna, flora and water quality.
MegaSecur is proud to facilitate work in lakes and rivers in compliance with environmental regulations.

