Can DALL-E Save Our Main Streets? Session 1 - Part 2 | Ice Breaker

Session 1: Reflecting on the Past Part 2 | Ice Breaker Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Harness DALL-E to awaken the spirit of our collective lived experiences of main streets in vivid digital form.
Can DALL-E Save Our Main Streets?
In a world where rapid technological changes risk threatening the survival of our main streets, can the ingenuity of generative AI help reimagine these quintessential spaces at the heart of our towns and cities?
Embark on a thought-provoking three-part journey that invites you to delve into the essence of main streets with DALL-E. Through the sharing of personal stories, a visit to a local main street, collaborative brainstorming, and innovative use of DALL-E prompts, we’ll bring to life a digital tapestry of what main streets have been, are, and what they could become.
Facilitated by Fadi G. Haddad, Fulbright Canada Visiting Researcher at MIT’s Senseable City Lab investigating how big data can shed light on the dynamics and resilience of main streets.
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