Build Trust With Email | Jeff Felten | More than a Few Words |

Most people think about email marketing as a sales tool. But my guest, Jeff Felten thinks it is so much more. Email can play a valuable role as a way to build trust and relationships with your audience.
Trust is the Currency of Business: This is especially for service-based professionals. While many talk about the impressive ROI of email marketing, Jeff believes that for service businesses, trust is even more critical than immediate sales.
Social Proof and Generosity: These are the two main strategies to build trust. Social proof involves showcasing past successes and client testimonials. Meanwhile, generosity, such as providing valuable content and offering one's time, can also foster trust and engagement.
Engage in Conversations: Encourage your email recipients to reply as a means of starting conversations. It humanizes the interaction and helps identify qualified prospects.
Replies as the Holy Grail: While opens and clicks are important metrics, replies indicate genuine interest and can lead to meaningful conversations,
Look for More than a Few Words, a Marketing Conversation for Business Owners wherever you listen to podcasts
