Beyond the Basics: Exploring the Extended Marketing Mix

Dive into the world of contemporary marketing as we explore the extended marketing mix, encompassing additional elements beyond the traditional 4Ps framework. This playlist delves into the significance of People, Process, and Physical Evidence in shaping modern marketing strategies and enhancing customer experiences.
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the extended marketing mix, highlighting its relevance in contemporary marketing contexts and its role in complementing the traditional 4Ps framework.
Chapters 2 through 4 delve into each additional "P" individually, exploring the importance of People, Process, and Physical Evidence in delivering exceptional customer experiences. We discuss their impact on brand perceptions, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.
In Chapter 5, we examine how the extended marketing mix integrates with the traditional 4Ps framework, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all elements in crafting comprehensive marketing strategies.
Chapter 6 focuses on the application of the extended marketing mix in service-oriented industries, where customer experience and interactions are paramount. We discuss strategies for leveraging People, Process, and Physical Evidence to differentiate brands and drive competitiveness.
In Chapter 7, we present case studies illustrating successful implementation of the extended marketing mix in various industries. From hospitality to healthcare, we analyze how organizations harness these additional elements to create memorable brand interactions and build customer loyalty.
Chapter 8 underscores the importance of holistic consideration in marketing strategies, emphasizing the need to address all aspects of the customer journey for sustained success.
Finally, in Chapter 9, we explore future trends shaping the evolution of the extended marketing mix, including emerging technologies, changing consumer behaviors, and innovative approaches to customer experience management.
Whether you're a marketing professional seeking to expand your knowledge or a business owner looking to elevate your brand, this playlist offers valuable insights and practical strategies for mastering the extended marketing mix in today's dynamic marketplace.
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Video Content
0:00 - Introduction to the Extended Marketing Mix
People: Elevating the Role of Human Interaction
Process: Streamlining Operations for Enhanced Customer Experience
Physical Evidence: Creating Memorable Brand Interactions
Integration with the Traditional 4Ps Framework
Application in Service-Oriented Industries
Case Studies: Success Stories of Extended Marketing Mix Implementation
Importance of Holistic Consideration in Marketing Strategies
Future Trends: Evolving the Extended Marketing Mix
School of Learning
Arnav Dutta
/ arnav-dutta-a2020a44
