Battle with Baba Lysaga and her Creeping Hut | Berez | Curse of Strahd | RPG | DND Sounds Cthulhu


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This section of the campaign was really fun to run. I had Baba Lysaga start off already in her flying skull. She ambushed the players. During the battle scarecrows, ravens, and skeletons continued attacking them until she was dead. They also had to deal with creeping hut at the same time. Made for a lot of chaos and fun.
In the dark, foreboding landscape of Barovia, the adventurers confronted Baba Lysaga, an ancient and malevolent witch whose power rivaled that of Strahd himself. Her twisted magic animated her abode, turning it into a terrifying Creeping Hut, a monstrous amalgamation of roots and bones that moved with eerie, unnatural grace. As the battle ensued, the hut's colossal limbs crushed the earth, and its skeletal structure seemed impervious to most attacks. Baba Lysaga cackled maniacally as she took to the sky in a flying skull, hurling spells of necrotic energy and summoning swarms of creatures to assail the party. Despite the overwhelming odds, the adventurers fought valiantly, combining their strengths and wits to dismantle the monstrous hut piece by piece. The final blow came as a coordinated strike sent Baba Lysaga crashing to the ground.
I hope someone out there finds this music useful!
Let me know if you have any requests :)

