Balancing work and life with Ali Wong and Scott Galloway
The first clip was comedian Ali Wong on a Netflix comedy series called Netflix is a joke.
I think this clip is funny only because there is a lot of truth in it.
The second clip is Scott Galloway, who is a professor of marketing, public speaker, author, podcast host, entrepreneur, and a multimillionaire.
As Scott Galloway said, I think there a season in life, in which everyone should go all-in in their careers. whether it’s the man, the woman, or both.
I remember when I became co-owner of a dance school, my partner and I were working 12 hour days, seven days a week. We didn’t have a balance at all, we were all into the business.
As a person who occasionally gives financial advice, I believe that when a person is the early years of their careers, they should try their hardest, so that they can accumulate some money, and then let the magic of compounding interest do the rest.
It worked for me. I no longer work 12 hours days. Now I work between two to four hour days, and it’s mostly to keep my brain busy and engaged in life.
In a society that it’s rapidly evolving, and where both men and women have bright futures in their careers, maybe a good compromise could be to have kids later on in life, or decide before hand who will do the hard grinding at work an who will be doing the family/career balancing.
In a world where more women than men are graduating from college, we are beginning to see a role reversal from the traditional gender stereotype. More women are becoming the primary breadwinner while more men are becoming stay-at-home dad.
Here are a few successful women CEOs who had the support of their stay-at-home husbands:
Indra Nooyi: Former CEO of PepsiCo, her husband, stayed at home to take care of their two daughters.
Marissa Mayer: Former CEO of Yahoo, her husband stayed at home with three children.
Mary Barra: CEO of General Motors. Her husband takes care of their two children.
Ginni Rometty: Former CEO of IBM. Her husband took care of the kids.
Ursula Burns: Former CEO of Xerox. Her husband used to be the primary care taker of the kids.
Now, what’s your opinion. Is there such a thing as family/career balance. Is it realist? Let us know in the comments below.

