北美館|「美術館新視野:臺北市立美術館40週年國際研討會」〔專題演講I〕城市心臟地帶的藝術〔Keynote Speech I〕Art at the Heart of the City

TFAM 40 Conference|〔Keynote Speech I〕Art at the Heart of the City: The Role of the Art Museum in Building Sustainable Destinations
【訂閱北美館 Follow us】reurl.cc/X45O93
活動時間 Date|2023/10/04
活動地點 Venue|TFAM
主持人 Emcee
Prof. Yung-Neng LIN | Professor, Cultural and Creative Industries Management, National Taipei
University of Education, Taiwan
主講人 Speaker
Mike Robinson 教授|英國諾丁漢特倫特大學文化遺產主席兼國際遺產顧問
Prof. Mike ROBINSON | Chair of Cultural Heritage, Nottingham Trent University and International
Heritage Consultant, UK
©2023臺北市立美術館版權所有 Taipei Fine Arts Museum, All rights reserved.
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