This cereal whose composition in proteins, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and nutrients is greater than the rest of the cereals is very suitable for diets of slimming since it has a satiating effect and is suitable to eliminate
Liquid, its content in complex carbohydrates makes of oats a food very appropriate for digestive disorders, its content in fiber facilitates the intestinal transit and to combat the constipation.
It is a highly recommended cereal for people with diabetes because it controls blood sugar levels.
Its content in essential amino acids, fiber and omega-6 fats make oats a desirable food to combat high cholesterol, which translates into a benefit to our cardiovascular system.
Oats due to their nutrients and proteins make it a food that prevents certain types of cancer and favors cell production.
Finally it is highly recommended for those who make an intense physical or intellectual effort. Or those people who suffer from depression, depression or stress.
Oatmeal is recommended more and more during pregnancy as it helps the development of the fetus, after childbirth favors the production of breast milk, providing vitamins and minerals.
Oatmeal also helps increase libido and fertility.
As for vitamins highlights its richness in vitamin B1, B2 and vitamin E. In minerals stands out in potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc.
This information can never replace the advice of a physician or other health care professional.
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Oatmeal properties and contraindications
How to take oats
Disadvantages of oats
Properties of oats in flakes
Properties of oat milk
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Properties of whole oats
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