Anna Oksiutovych on Disrupted Ukrainian Childhood

Researcher Anna Oksiutovych explores the topic of Ukrainian childhood during the war. She started her project in 2021 and has interviewed children and teenagers from occupied Crimea and the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. During the full-scale Russian invasion, her methodology changed when Anna became a refugee. At the time of the recording, she interviewed volunteers, parents, and guardians of children who had to flee the country. She also documents children's stories, photographs of their toys, and drawings.
In this video, Anna Oksiutovych talks about ethical principles in her work, work as a crutch in difficult times, communication with other documentary initiatives, and the work of the War Childhood Museum in Kyiv.
This project is supported by Documenting Ukraine, a project of the Institute for Human Sciences, IWM Vienna. Learn more about the project here:
