An unfinished global agenda: COVID-19 vaccine hesitance in Northern Ghana


Presented by Prosper Mandela Amaltinga Awuni,
Doctoral Student, Rural and Northern Health,
Laurentian University.
Ghana was the first country to receive the Coronavirus vaccine under the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) initiative on February 24, 2021. Vaccination started on March 1, 2021, making the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Ghana the longest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the longevity, by mid-2023, 44.5% of Ghanaians had taken two doses of COVID-19 vaccines, while 28.9% were partially vaccinated. Farming is the main occupation of northern Ghana (73%) and contributes 80% to the economy of northerners. However, studies on vaccine hesitancy among farmers thus far are limited or absent; studies have focused solely on Ghana’s healthcare workers and literate populations. This study will explore the individual perceptions and complexities of the COVID-19 vaccine acceptance to ensure more directed health policies toward individual needs.

