An Open Strategy approach gives you strategy decision-making clarity (Amber Community & Foundstone)

This is how we get results for our clients through an Open Strategy approach...
We worked with Amber Community (formerly known as RTSSV) to help them gain unique customer and market insights, resulting in a clear strategy and planning that has enabled the organisation to execute and grow new offerings and revenue.
Below is a quick outline of how our 4 major service offerings helped Amber Community make clear strategy choices for growth, including comments from their CEO:
1) Customer and Market Insights
Through qualitative customer and market conversations, the organisation got a crystal-clear understanding of unique and practical insights so they could start to make informed strategy decisions that they could stand behind.
"Foundstone’s human-centred design approach had a huge part to play in understanding what's actually happening rather than having the assumptions about what's happening"
2) Strategy
Through an Open Strategy approach of involving external people and perspectives from customers, partners and front-line staff, the leadership team were confident in making the best strategy choices that would have the most impact.
"The strategy has really allowed us to connect our overall goals and aspirations for the organisation, based on all those amazing conversations that we had to develop the strategy"
3) Planning
By having a clear strategy with integrated choices, Amber Community were able to then develop work plans with their key teams to deliver the strategy.
"The living and breathing plan that we developed is completely different to what we've done in the past and something that gives the organisation guidance over the next 3 years and something that we update"
4) Execution
Foundstone helped grow a 300% increase in opportunities & pipeline for the organisation. This helped launch new services, resulting in new revenue and partnerships.
“The Foundstone approach allowed us to have rich conversations with people that we are working with to genuinely understand the issues that they are facing and developing programs that are meaningful to them”
Check out our article on Open Strategy to learn more about why and how you can start applying this same approach to get the same results in your own leadership and organisation.
Read more about Open Strategy:

