Quick strategy how-tos: Have a real strategy, not just a plan.

Here are some practical tips to actually have a strategy in 2023, instead of just a plan.
1. Get clear on the practical strategy principles that will guide your decision-making.
A good strategy will give you ongoing decision-making clarity. It sets the parameters that help make strategy decisions - both long term and how to respond when unexpected changes arise.
2. Don't fall into the trap of planning with just objectives.
Planning is generally a routine-based process (e.g. Annually or every 3 years) which doesn't typically give you insights and dig into the unique problems you are trying to solve. Don’t substitute planning for strategy. Instead, do both well.
3. Involve different levels of management and staff
Get different perspectives and insights from various levels of staff as well as other outside perspectives. This gives people buy-in and understanding of how the strategy relates to them.
If you'd like to find out more about how to apply a practical strategy to your own organisation, book a strategy consultation here: www.foundstone.co/strategy-co...
