
Four and a half hours of getting "tired", working Endurocross play means thrills and spills as we build skills. Watching the pros can be so intimidating, but they all started somewhere too. What's funny is 4 years ago, we couldn't make it up that hill to the jump. What a journey! Probably crashed more this day than the entire previous year, but we learned and improved!
The #EnduroMullet worked especially hard with @dustin_735x and built some killer cornering speed, railing that berm at the base of the jump like a boss by the end of the day.
Big thanks to @terrypeektattoos
for the video of our antics, as Dad didn't pull his phone out all day!
#endurocross #crashology #crash #playday #sendit #2stroke4life #neverquit #kidswhoridedirtbikes #CyclopsAdv #runddc #DDCsprockets
