A walk to Pencil Point, Largs

A relaxing stroll from town to the Pencil Point Monument in Largs. The monument was built in 1912 to commemorate the Battle of Largs in 1263, when the Scots defeated King Haco of Norway's troops on the shore at Largs, after the 160 long ships got caught in a storm. Supposedly the battle took place at that spot. Lovely views across to Great Cumbrae and Little Cumbrae. Filmed end of October 2023 therefore cold!
#largs #firthofclyde #ailsacraig #curling #curlingstones #pencilpointmonument
#greatcumbrae #littlecumbrae #cumbrae #battleoflargs #walkinginlargs #vikinglargs
Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored, I am open to offers. All travel and videos are funded by me and any items purchased are with my own money unless stated otherwise and opinions are my own.
