A large crowd gathers to watch the 1932 Olympic games held in Los Angeles, Califo...HD Stock Footage

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A large crowd gathers to watch the 1932 Olympic games held in Los Angeles, California.
The 1932 Summer Olympics held in Los Angeles, California. Aerial view Olympic Stadium. Frank Wykoff wins the men's 400 meter relay. Bob Kiesel, Emmett Toppino, Hector Dyer, and Frank Wykoff stand together. Jean Shiley wins the women's high jump. Wilhelmina Von Bremen wins the 400 meter relay. Crowd cheers and applauds. Yasuji Miyazaki wins the 100 meter men's freestyle swimming event. Mickey Riley wins the men's springboard diving contest. Helene Madison wins the women's 100 meter freestyle swimming event. Men line up for the start of the Marathon race. Juan Carlos Zabala wins the marathon. The Americans take a lead in the games. Location: Los Angeles California. Date: August 4, 1932.
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