90 Minutes | Ultradian Work Cycle | Deep Work | 40Hz Binaural Beats + Lofi Music | Andrew Huberman |


In this video, we combine 40Hz Binaural Beats & a new selection of ambient lofi music across an entire Ultradian Work Cycle.
*The music is synced to general resting heart BPM ranges AND highpass filtered to prevent interference with the Binaural Beats.
An Ultradian Cycle is an ideal length of time for doing a session of focused work or studying (not more than 90 minutes).
Because it requires a lot of concentration and is cognitively exhausting, it should be reserved for the most important and urgent tasks and done as early as possible in the day.
Dr. Huberman explains that in our regular environment, most people can only sustain up to 2 daily cycles (of not more than 90 minutes) at high productivity. After that, output starts to decline and time is better used for less demanding tasks.
To get the MOST productivity out of YOUR Ultradian Work Cycle, fill out these 2 forms BEFORE starting your first work session of the day.
You can download them here: lifesavant.gumroad.com/l/ultr...
1. To-Do Matrix - Sorts out the important tasks on your plate by urgency and importance. Then you pick one from the top left quadrant as your first task.
2. Strategic Planning - If it's a complex task that requires at least 45-90 minutes of work, do 5 minutes of brainstorming with the Strategic Plan. Whether you're working or studying, this will help clarify the objectives and get you to focus on the desired outcome and the fastest way to get there.
When you finish the session, fill out the Evaluation section and see how well you did what what you can do better.
Don't forget to use dual earbuds or headphones with our binaural beats audio for an additional productivity boost.
The music starts at the 5 minute mark.
The chimes are guideposts that play every 30 mins to remind you to move and drink some water. You can pause the video for a short break or continue working. DO NOT SPEND TIME ON YOUR PHONE ON ANYTHING DISTRACTING LIKE SOCIAL MEDIA.
All music in this video was written and recorded by Jonas aka ItsWatR
*Download the full MP3 audio files to
- get the best quality version
- listen to it without using data
- put your phone on airplane mode
Link here: lifesavant.gumroad.com
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