7 Easter; May-12 '24

Permission to podcast the music contained in this service obtained from OneLicense with license A-727348. All rights reserved.
Prelude: a la chapelle, Alphonse Jean Ernest Mailly, copyright 2010, Wayne Leopold Editions, Inc.
Gathering Hymn: ELW 392, Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol), Text: William C. Dix, Music: Rowland H. Prichard
Choir Anthem: Come, Sing Allelu!, Text: Russ Borchardt and Stan Plethel, Music: Stan Plethel
Copyright 1993, Hope Publishing Co.
Liturgy Setting 1, ELW, Augsburg Fortress
HoD: ELW 393, A Hymn of Glory, Let Us Sing!, (Lasst Uns Erfreuen), Text: Bede; tr. Lutheran Book of Worship, Music: Geistliche Kirchengesange, Text: copyright 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress
Offering: ELW 481, Come to the Table (Come to the Table), Text: Claire Cloninger, Music: Martin J. Nystrom, Text and Music copyright 1991, Integrity’s Hosanna! Music; Juniper Landing Music,
Admin. Word Music and Word Music
Communion Hymn: ELW 604, O Christ, Our Hope (Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen, Text: Latin Hymn, tr. John Chandler, adapt., Music: Nikolaus Herman
Post Communion: I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry (Waterlife), Music: John Ylvisaker, copyright 1986, Augsburg Publishing House
Sending: ELW 825, You Servants of God (Lyons), Text: Charles Wesley, alt., Music:attr. Johann Michael Haydn
Postlude: Easter Entrada on the Chroale Lasst uns Erfreuen, Harvey B. Gaul, Copyright 1968, J. Fischer and Bro.
