51. Making History: The Upcoming Film About the Kent State University Shootings with Karen Slade

Karen Slade rockets to the top echelon of our favorite guests as she joins Alex & Bryan for an extended discussion of the 1970 Kent State shootings, the 60s, moral responsibility for immoral government acts, and the extreme danger of governments aligning opposing armed forces in close proximity. Timely?
Lessons From History: Hidden heroes and villains of the past, and what we can learn from them - www.amazon.com/Lessons-Histor...
More Lessons From History - www.amazon.com/More-Lessons-H...
Karen Slade - IMDb - www.imdb.com/name/nm2781602/?...
President’s Commission on Campus Unrest - Wikipedia - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preside...
The Household Cavalry Museum is a living Museum in the heart of Horse Guards, Whitehall, London. | The Household Cavalry Museum - householdcavalry.co.uk/museum/
Jeffrey Pelt: It would be well for your government to consider that having your ships and ours, your aircraft and ours, in such proximity… is inherently DANGEROUS. Wars have begun that way, Mr. Ambassador. (quotes.net) - www.quotes.net/mquote/45211
“Law & Order” Ramparts (TV Episode 1999) - IMDb - www.imdb.com/title/tt0629394/
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