5 Tips for Better Pool Table Breaks like a Pro - Billiards


Tight Rack: Arrange the balls in a tight formation to maximize the impact during the break. A solid rack ensures better dispersion of the balls.
Cue Ball Position: Place the cue ball slightly off-center (towards the side) to achieve better control. This allows you to target specific balls and avoid scratching.
Grip Pressure: Don’t grip the cue stick too tightly. Maintain a relaxed grip to ensure a smooth and accurate break. Tension can negatively affect your shot.
Aim for the Eight Ball: Instead of focusing solely on the first ball, aim for the eight ball. Hitting it squarely can lead to better ball spread and increase your chances of sinking balls.
Use a Proper Breaking Cue: Invest in a specialized breaking cue with a harder tip. These cues are designed for powerful breaks and can help you generate more force.

