
I walked the entire route from Fuda-sho No1 to No34.
Passing through the mountain gate, the main hall is directly ahead, and to the right of the main hall stands the Kairo-do Hall, where replicas of the principal deities of the 88 sacred sites of Shikoku are lined up. It is said that walking around the Kairo-do Hall will grant you the same merit as visiting all 88 sacred sites of Shikoku, and that you will also receive the blessings of Kobo Daishi along with the merit of Kannon.
The small hall in front of the Kairo-do Hall is called the Fuda-do Hall. The pillars still bear the numerous nails and nail marks from when pilgrims hammered wooden votive tablets into the pillars, which is apparently why visiting the temples is also referred to as "hitting" the tablets. It is said that Saiko-ji Temple is the only remaining Fuda-do Hall among the Chichibu temples.
This time, I visited Fuda-sho No.16 and then I headed to Fuda-sho No.17. I hope you enjoy the beautiful Chichibu pilgrimage route.
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