
I walked the entire route from Fuda-sho No1 to No34.
From the entrance, go down the path surrounded by lush trees to the Kannon Hall, surrounded by greenery. In the past, pilgrims would cross the Arakawa River from temple number 19 by ferry, then climb the stone steps from the inner sanctuary beneath the O-nozoki-iwa rock in front of the Kannon Hall to the Kannon Hall.
If you go down the stone steps from the Kannon-do towards the Arakawa River, you will come to the inner sanctuary known as “Chisui-ba," but it is currently closed to the public due to the danger of the path. It is said that drinking the water here will increase milk production, and that cooking gruel or porridge to feed to babies is good.
This time, I visited Fuda-sho No.20 and then I headed to Fuda-sho No.21. I hope you enjoy the beautiful Chichibu pilgrimage route.
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