Hello Loves!
Today's video consists of me making 3 very easy simple juices that are very beginner-friendly. They are yummy and best of all you all can switch ingredients for other fruits and vegetables that suit your tastes! Below I have put some of the benefits of the ingredients in each juice. Hope you enjoyed and do like, subscribe and share this video!
Juice 1: Orange Carrot Beets
-Orange: Good source of antioxidants + high in vitamin C (aids in keeping the immune system strong).
-Carrot: Antibacterial, boost immunity + rich in vitamin A, B, & C + also contains iron, calcium & sodium.
-Beets: Antibacterial, antioxidant, tonic, cleansing, laxative + High in vitamin A & a good source of potassium.
Juice 2: Celery Lemon Ginger
- Celery: Mild diuretic + helps with toxifying carcinogens
-Lemon: Antioxidant + high in vitamin C
-Ginger: Antinausea, can help relieve headaches, antioxidant + said to help with morning sickness & prevent vomiting
Juice 3: Mango Carrot Lemon
-Mango: Antioxidant, High in vitamin A, C, potassium, & niacin.
-Carrot: Antibacterial, boost immunity + rich in vitamin A, B, & C + also contains iron, calcium & sodium.
-Lemon: Antioxidant + high in vitamin C

